
Download and plot GOES east/west data.

Download Data

Download GOES 16 ABI (this example downloads the multichannel fixed grid product for CONUS) and read it with xarray.

from goes2go.data import goes_latest, goes_nearesttime

# Get latest data
G1 = goes_latest(satellite='G16', product='ABI')

# Get data for a specific time
G2 = goes_nearesttime(datetime(2020,10,1), satellite='G16', product='GLM')

RGB Recipies

For a GOES ABI multichannel xarray.Dataset, return an RGB array for an RGB product. See DEMO for more examples of RGB products.


Field of View

See notebooks for GLM and ABI field of view.

GOES-West is centered over -137 W and GOES-East is centered over -75 W. When GOES was being tested, it was in a "central" position, outlined in the dashed black line. Below is the ABI field of view for the full disk:


The GLM field of view is slightly smaller and limited by a bounding box. Below is the GLM field of view:


