
The toolkit for fast Deep Learning experiments in Computer Vision

What is it?

The toolkit consists of:

  • Popular neural network models and custom modules implementations used in our company
  • Metrics used in CV such that mIoU, mAP, etc.
  • Commonly used datasets and data loaders

The framework is based on PyTorch and
utilizes PyTorch Lightning for
training pipeline routines.



One of the ways to install TorchOk is to use Docker:

docker build -t torchok --build-arg SSH_PUBLIC_KEY="<public key>" .
docker run -d --name <username>_torchok --gpus=all -v <path/to/workdir>:/workdir -p <ssh_port>:22 -p <jupyter_port>:8888 -p <tensorboard_port>:6006 torchok


To remove previous installation of TorchOk environment, run:

conda remove --name torchok --all

To install TorchOk locally, run:

conda env create -f environment.yml

This will create a new conda environment torchok with all dependencies.

Getting started

Training is configured by YAML configuration files which each forked project should store inside configs folder
(see configs/cifar10.yml for example). The configuration supports environment variables substitution,
so that you can easily change base directory paths without changing the config file for each environment.
The most common environment variables are:
SM_CHANNEL_TRAINING — directory to all training data
SM_OUTPUT_DATA_DIR — directory where logs for all runs will be stored
SM_NUM_CPUS – number of used CPUs for dataloader

Start training locally

Download CIFAR10 dataset running all cells in notebooks/Cifar10.ipynb,
the dataset will appear in data/cifar10 folder.

docker exec -it torchok bash
cd torchok
SM_NUM_CPUS=8 SM_CHANNEL_TRAINING=./data/cifar10 SM_OUTPUT_DATA_DIR=/tmp python --config config/classification_resnet_example.yml

Start SageMaker Training Jobs

Start the job using one of the
AWS SageMaker instances.
You have 2 ways to provide data inside your training container:

  • Slow downloaded S3 bucket: s3://<bucket-name>/<dirpath>. Volume size is needed to be set when you use S3 bucket.
    For other cases it can be omitted.
  • Fast FSx access: fsx://<file-system-id>/<mount-name>/<directory>. To create FSx filesystem follow
    this instructions

Example with S3:

python --config configs/cifar10.yml --input_path s3://sagemaker-mlflow-main/cifar10 --instance_type ml.g4dn.xlarge --volume_size 5

Example with FSx:

python --input_path fsx://fs-0f79df302dcbd29bd/z6duzbmv/tz_jpg --config configs/siloiz_pairwise_xbm_resnet50_512d.yml --instance_type ml.g4dn.xlarge

In case something isn’t working inside the Sagemaker container you can debug your model locally.
Specify local_gpu instance type when starting the job:

python --config configs/cifar10.yml --instance_type local_gpu --volume_size 5 --input_path file://../data/cifar10

Run tests

docker exec -it torchok bash
cd torchok
python -m unittest discover -s tests/ -p "test_*.py"

Differences in configs sagemaker vs local machine

1. Path to data folder


  dataset_name: ExampleDataset
    data_folder: "${SM_CHANNEL_TRAINING}"

local machine

  dataset_name: ExampleDataset
    data_folder: "/path/to/data"

2. Path to artifacts dir


log_dir: '/opt/ml/checkpoints'

local machine

log_dir: '/tmp/logs'

3. Restore path

do_restore is a special indicator which was designed to be used for SageMaker spot instances training.
With this indicator you can debug your model locally and be free to leave the restore_path pointing to some
common directory like /opt/ml/checkpoints, where TorchOk will search the checkpoints for.


restore_path: '/opt/ml/checkpoints'
do_restore: '${SM_USER_ENTRY_POINT}'

local machine

restore_path: '/opt/ml/checkpoints'
do_restore: '${SM_USER_ENTRY_POINT}'


To have more convenient logs it is recommended to name your experiment as project_name-developer_name, so that all your experiments related to this project will be under one tag in mlflow

experiment_name: &experiment_name fips-roman

State all the model parameters in mlflow.runName in logger params

  logger: mlflow
  experiment_name: *experiment_name
      mlflow.runName: "siloiz_contrastive_xbm_resnet50_512d"
  save_dir: "s3://sagemaker-mlflow-main/mlruns"
      region: "eu-west-1"
      mlflow_secret: "acme/mlflow"


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