
Dungeon Dice Rolls is an aplication that the user can roll dices (d4, d6, d8, d10,
d12, d20 and d100) and store the results in one of the 6 arrays.

As the core operation, the “randint” function (from random library) bring life and
functionality to the code and the sleep function (from time library) does a minor
function, giving aesthetics.

At the beginning of the code we can see the Class section with the “Dice” class who
stores public dices attributes: faces and values. The class also have the
“check_faces” method, wich make a verification if the dice exist or not in thecode.

The Dice sets section stores the variables that the user can stockyour dice results.

Then we have the Rolls section, where almost all the operation happens. There we
have user’s input like how many dices he or she want to roll, with wich faces and
also if he/she wants to store his results in an array.

And lastly, we have Menu section, who is also the first thing the user interacts
with the code, there is 3 simple options he can choose:

1 – Roll dices and stock results;

2 – See the stocked results;

3 – Quit aplications.

I’m Guilherme Bracero, made this by myself using only my knowledges gained by Python course classes in Udemy and I also don’t have any diploma.


GitHub - BraceroInSabot/Dungeon-Dice-Rolls at pythonawesome.com
Dungeon Dice Rolls is an aplication that the user can roll dices (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 and d100) and store the results in one of the 6 arrays. - GitHub - BraceroInSabot/Dungeon-Dice-Rolls at p...