
ELimNet: Eliminating Layers in a Neural Network Pretrained with Large Dataset for Downstream Task

  • Removed top layers from pretrained EfficientNetB0 and ResNet18 to construct lightweight CNN model with less than 1M #params.
  • Assessed on Trash Annotations in Context(TACO) Dataset sampled for 6 classes with 20,851 images.
  • Compared performance with lightweight models generated with Optuna’s Neural Architecture Search(NAS) constituted with same convolutional blocks.



# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/snoop2head/elimnet

# fetch image dataset and unzip
!wget -cq https://aistages-prod-server-public.s3.amazonaws.com/app/Competitions/000081/data/data.zip
!unzip ./data.zip -d ./


# finetune on the dataset with pretrained model
python train.py --model ./model/efficientnet_b0.yaml

# finetune on the dataset with ElimNet
python train.py --model ./model/efficientnet_b0_elim_3.yaml


# inference with the lastest ran model
python inference.py --model_dir ./exp/latest/


Performance is compared with (1) original pretrained model and (2) Optuna NAS constructed models with no pretrained weights.

  • Indicates that top convolutional layers eliminated pretrained CNN models outperforms empty Optuna NAS models generated with same convolutional blocks.
  • Suggests that eliminating top convolutional layers creates lightweight model that shows similar(or better) classifcation performance with original pretrained model.
  • Reduces parameters to 7%(or less) of its original parameters while maintaining(or improving) its performance. Saves inference time by 20% or more by eliminating top convolutional layters.

ELimNet vs Pretrained Models (Train)

[100 epochs] # of Parameters # of Layers Train Validation Test F1
Pretrained EfficientNet B0 4.0M 352 Loss: 0.43
Acc: 81.23%
F1: 0.84
Loss: 0.469
Acc: 82.17%
F1: 0.76
EfficientNet B0 Elim 2 0.9M 245 Loss:0.652
Acc: 87.22%
F1: 0.84
Loss: 0.622
Acc: 87.22%
F1: 0.77
EfficientNet B0 Elim 3 0.30M 181 Loss: 0.602
Acc: 78.17%
F1: 0.74
Loss: 0.661
Acc: 77.41%
F1: 0.74
Resnet18 11.17M 69 Loss: 0.578
Acc: 78.90%
F1: 0.76
Loss: 0.700
Acc: 76.17%
F1: 0.719
Resnet18 Elim 2 0.68M 37 Loss: 0.447
Acc: 83.73%
F1: 0.71
Loss: 0.712
Acc: 75.42%
F1: 0.71

ELimNet vs Pretrained Models (Inference)

# of Parameters # of Layers CPU times (sec) CUDA time (sec) Test Inference Time (sec)
Pretrained EfficientNet B0 4.0M 352 3.9s 4.0s 105.7s
EfficientNet B0 Elim 2 0.9M 245 4.1s 13.0s 83.4s
EfficientNet B0 Elim 3 0.30M 181 3.0s 9.0s 73.5s
Resnet18 11.17M 69
Resnet18 Elim 2 0.68M 37

ELimNet vs Empty Optuna NAS Models (Train)

[100 epochs] # of Parameters # of Layers Train Valid Test F1
Empty MobileNet V3 4.2M 227 Loss 0.925
Acc: 65.18%
F1: 0.58
Loss 0.993
Acc: 62.83%
F1: 0.56
Empty EfficientNet B0 1.3M 352 Loss 0.867
Acc: 67.28%
F1: 0.61
Loss 0.898
Acc: 66.80%
F1: 0.61
Empty DWConv & InvertedResidualv3 NAS 0.08M 66 Loss: 0.766
Acc: 71.71%
F1: 0.68
Empty MBConv NAS 0.33M 141 Loss: 0.786
Acc: 70.72%
F1: 0.66
Loss: 0.866
Acc: 68.09%
F1: 0.62
Resnet18 Elim 2 0.68M 37 Loss: 0.447
Acc: 83.73%
F1: 0.71
Loss: 0.712
Acc: 75.42%
F1: 0.71
EfficientNet B0 Elim 3 0.30M 181 Loss: 0.602
Acc: 78.17%
F1: 0.74
Loss: 0.661
Acc: 77.41%
F1: 0.74

ELimNet vs Empty Optuna NAS Models (Inference)

# of Parameters # of Layers CPU times (sec) CUDA time (sec) Test Inference Time (sec)
Empty MobileNet V3 4.2M 227 4 13
Empty EfficientNet B0 1.3M 352 3.780 3.782 68.4s
Empty DWConv &
InvertedResidualv3 NAS
0.08M 66 1 3.5 61.1s
Empty MBConv NAS 0.33M 141 2.14 7.201 67.1s
Resnet18 Elim 2 0.68M 37
EfficientNet B0 Elim 3 0.30M 181 3.0s 9s 73.5s

Background & WiP


Work in Progress

  • Will test the performance of replacing convolutional blocks with pretrained weights with a single convolutional layer without pretrained weights.
  • Will add ResNet18’s inference time data and compare with Optuna’s NAS constructed lightweight model.
  • Will test on pretrained MobileNetV3, MnasNet on torchvision with elimination based lightweight model architecture search.
  • Will be applied on other small datasets such as Fashion MNIST dataset and Plant Village dataset.


  • “Empty” stands for model with no pretrained weights.
  • “EfficientNet B0 Elim 2” means 2 convolutional blocks have been eliminated from pretrained EfficientNet B0. Number next to “Elim” annotates how many convolutional blocks have been removed.
  • Table’s performance illustrates best performance out of 100 epochs of finetuning on TACO Dataset.



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