Kyrie Eleison

The best and unique way to encrypt some data or a file safely,
Kyrie Eleison provides you multiples functions that allows you to encrypt anything you want.


+ Fast
+ Nobody will be able to crack your data
+ Very customizable functions
+ Special and unique

- There is 0.05% chances for the encryption to don't work
- The length of the encrypted values are pretty random and long
- Not very strong encryption


Feel free to make a pull request on this repository to submit any idea!

For the encryption key, multiply it by another key in the text, so it will become harder to decrypt

  • Add more functions and encryption types
  • Add hashes
GitHub - billythegoat356/Kyrie-Eleison: Encrypt your important data and files easily and safely with Kyrie Eleison.
Encrypt your important data and files easily and safely with Kyrie Eleison. - GitHub - billythegoat356/Kyrie-Eleison: Encrypt your important data and files easily and safely with Kyrie Eleison.