
? Business Problem:

Estimate using the item-based and user-based recommender methods for the user whose ID is given.

? Dataset Story:

The dataset was provided by MovieLens, a movie recommendation service.
It contains the rating scores for these movies along with the movies.
It contains 2,000,0263 ratings across 27,278 movies.
This data was created by 138,493 users between 09 January 1995 and 31 March 2015. This data set was created on October 17, 2016.
Users are randomly selected. It is known that all selected users voted for at least 20 movies.

?? Variables:

movieId: Unique movie number (UniqueID)
title: Movie name
userid: Unique user number. (UniqueID)
movieId: Unique movie number. (UniqueID)
rating: The rating given to the movie by the user
timestamp: Evaluation date

