Exploring aircraft accidents in Brazil

Occurrencies with aircraft in Brazil are investigated by the Center for
Investigation and Prevention of Aircraft Accidents (Centro de
Investigação e Prevenção de Acidentes Aeronáuticos
– Cenipa). Which is
then released as
open data
and updated on a yearly basis.

This repository contains Jupyter Notebooks for exploring that data.

Sample output

Here are some sample charts produced by the notebooks.

Line chart of occurrencies by type per month.

Location of aircraft accidents in Brazil in 2020.

Bar chart of the most common occurrence types.

How to use

To use the Jupyter Notebooks you need either Jupyter Notebook or
Jupyter Lab, with the
Jupytext extension

For ease of use, you might want to use my Docker-based
which comes with everything needed already configured.

Why Jupytext

Why am I using Jupytext instead of .ipynb files? Because those are
very large json files that do not fit well with the line by line version
control offered by Git. And I want to track changes to the notebooks.
With Jupytext, I can keep the notebooks under version control and the
.ipynb files are automatically generated every time the .py files
are changed and vice versa.


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