
Extends the pyranges module with operations on joined genomic intervals (e.g. exons of same transcript)

Install with:

pip install tiedpyranges


conda install -c mmariotti tiedpyranges

Then use within python:

>>> from tiedpyranges import pyranges

The pyranges module imported will have all functions from the original pyranges (see https://pyranges.readthedocs.io/).

Additionally, you have available tiedpyranges-specific functions documented in the documentation.tar file included in github.


GitHub - marco-mariotti/tiedpyranges: Extends the pyranges module with operations on joined genomic intervals (e.g. exons of same transcript)
Extends the pyranges module with operations on joined genomic intervals (e.g. exons of same transcript) - GitHub - marco-mariotti/tiedpyranges: Extends the pyranges module with operations on joined...