
stars github_downloads

This framework helps reverse engineer Flutter apps using patched version of Flutter library which is already compiled and ready for app repacking. There are changes made to snapshot deserialization process that allow you perform dynamic analysis in a convenient way.

Key features:

  • is patched for traffic monitoring and interception;
  • is modified to print classes, functions and some fields;
  • contains minor changes for successfull compilation;
  • if you would like to implement your own patches there is manual Flutter code change is supported using specially crafted Dockerfile

Supported engines

  • Android: arm64, arm32;
  • IOS: arm64 (Unstable);
  • Release: Stable, Beta


# Linux, Windows, MacOS
pip install reflutter

pip3 install reflutter


<div class="highlight highlight-text-shell-session position-relative overflow-auto" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="impact@f:~$ reflutter main.apk

Please enter your Burp Suite IP:

SnapshotHash: 8ee4ef7a67df9845fba331734198a953
The resulting apk file: ./release.RE.apk
Please sign the apk file

Configure Proxy in Burp Suite -> *:8083
Request Handling -> Support Invisible Proxying -> true

impact@f:~$ reflutter main.ipa

[email protected]:~$ reflutter main.apk

Please enter your Burp Suite IP: 

SnapshotHash: 8ee4ef7a67df9845fba331734198a953
The resulting apk file: ./release.RE.apk
Please sign the apk file

Configure Proxy in Burp Suite -> *:8083
Request Handling -> Support Invisible Proxying -> true

[email protected]:~$ reflutter main.ipa