
Front End Test Automation Framework with Pytest

Installation and running instructions:

1. To install the framework on your local machine:

  • clone the repo from GitHub to your local machine
  • run setup.sh file in your local repo directory:

2. To run tests

  • to run all the tests in the repo run test.sh file:
  • to run only tests for a specific feature add a test mark to the run command, e.g.:
    ./test.sh home_page
  • by default tests are running in headless browser mode; if you want to actually see the browser window, open resources/test_data/data.yaml file and change web_driver_settings.headless to False

Things to be added:

1. Makefile to ease up the setup process within a pyenv

2. Jenkins file to use this test automation from a server

3. Proper docstrings, in-line comments, and configuration documentation to provide easier transition for further development

