drf-yasg - Yet another Swagger generator

Generate real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 specifications from a Django Rest Framework API.

Compatible with

  • Django Rest Framework: 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
  • Django: 2.2, 3.0, 3.1
  • Python: 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9

Only the latest patch version of each major.minor series of Python, Django and Django REST Framework is supported.

Only the latest version of drf-yasg is supported. Support of old versions is dropped immediately with the release of a new version. Please do not create issues before upgrading to the latest release available at the time. Regression reports are accepted and will be resolved with a new release as quickly as possible. Removed features will usually go through a deprecation cycle of a few minor releases.

OpenAPI 3.0 note

If you are looking to add Swagger/OpenAPI support to a new project you might want to take a look at drf-spectacular, which is an actively maintained new library that shares most of the goals of this project, while working with OpenAPI 3.0 schemas.

OpenAPI 3.0 provides a lot more flexibility than 2.0 in the types of API that can be described. drf-yasg is unlikely to soon, if ever, get support for OpenAPI 3.0.


  • full support for nested Serializers and Schemas
  • response schemas and descriptions
  • model definitions compatible with codegen tools
  • customization hooks at all points in the spec generation process
  • JSON and YAML format for spec
  • bundles latest version of swagger-ui and redoc for viewing the generated documentation
  • schema view is cacheable out of the box
  • generated Swagger schema can be automatically validated by swagger-spec-validator
  • supports Django REST Framework API versioning with URLPathVersioning and NamespaceVersioning; other DRF or custom versioning schemes are not currently supported

redoc screenshot

Fully nested request and response schemas.

swagger-ui screenshot

Choose between redoc and swagger-ui.

model definitions screenshot

