
Hatchet is a Python-based library that allows Pandas dataframes to be indexed by structured tree and graph data. It is intended for analyzing performance data that has a hierarchy (for example, serial or parallel profiles that represent calling context trees, call graphs, nested regions’ timers, etc.). Hatchet implements various operations to analyze a single hierarchical data set or compare multiple data sets, and its API facilitates analyzing such data programmatically.

To use hatchet, install it with pip:

$ pip install hatchet

Or, if you want to develop with this repo directly, run the install script from
the root directory, which will build the cython modules and add the cloned
directory to your PYTHONPATH:

$ source install.sh


See the Getting Started page for basic examples and usage. Full documentation is available in the User Guide.

Examples of performance analysis using hatchet are available here.


Many thanks go to Hatchet's

Hatchet was created by Abhinav Bhatele, [email protected].
