

This repo is inspired by hackhttp, but it’s out of date already. so, I create this repo to make simulation and Network request easier.

Aims to

  • make simulation easier
  • use the raw request that generated by burp directly
  • make the use of multi-thread easier
  • make the use of coroutines easier
  • config every thing easier


### send a request from raw
from hackhttp2 import hackhttp
hh = hackhttp()
# set global configs, if you don't have special needs, default settings is ok.
# hh.globals.xxx = xxx

resp = hh.load_raw("path_of_raw.txt").send()

### useage of coroutine
req = hh.load_raw("baidu.txt")

with hh.create_pool_coroutine() as p:
### useage of multi-thread
with hh.create_pool_thread() as p:


hackhttp2 is based on requests for ordinary requests and httpx for async requests. when you use hh.load_raw(), you’ll get a Request obj, which can be modified by yourself. Once the modification is completed, you can use req.send() to send the request.

hh.globalsis a global configuration for hackhttp, you can set global header/cookie/kwargs(kwargs of requests.request)by your self.

You can setup some hackhttp() to manage your connections, because one hackhttp() shares one Session which is the value of the attribute .client, and it’ll be changed when using coroutine.


It’s still in developing, but it can satisfy your basic needs. The useage of thread_pool & coroutine_pool needs to be careful when number of conn is higher than 10, because the limit of conn_pool in the requests. I’m working on how to make it gracefully to control the api.


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