HRegNet: A Hierarchical Network for Efficient and Accurate Outdoor LiDAR Point Cloud Registration


The code mainly requires the following libraries and you can check requirements.txt for more environment requirements.

Please run the following commands to install point_utils

cd model/PointUtils
python install

Training device: NVIDIA RTX 3090


The point cloud pairs list and the ground truth relative transformation are stored in data/kitti_list, data/nuscenes_list and data/apollo_list. The data of the three datasets should be organized as follows:

KITTI odometry dataset

├── 00
│   ├── velodyne
│   ├── calib.txt
├── 01
├── ...

NuScenes dataset

├── v1.0-trainval
│   ├── maps
│   ├── samples
│   │   ├──LIDAR_TOP
│   ├── sweeps
│   ├── v1.0-trainval
├── v1.0-test
│   ├── maps
│   ├── samples
│   │   ├──LIDAR_TOP
│   ├── sweeps
│   ├── v1.0-test

Apollo-SouthBay dataset

├── TrainData
│   ├── BaylandsToSeafood
│   ├── ColumbiaPark
│   ├── ...
├── TestData
│   ├── BaylandsToSeafood
│   ├── ColumbiaPark
│   ├── ...


We provide training scripts in scripts/.

Please specify the following entries:

  • DATASET: [‘kitti’,’nusc’,’apollo’]
  • ROOT: Root of the dataset
  • DATA_LIST: Data list in data/data_list, e.g., data/data_list/kitti_list
  • CKPT_DIR: The dir you want to save the ckpt and log files
  • NPOINTS: 16384 for kitti and apollo, 8192 for nuscenes
  • pretrain_feats: Pretrain weights for feature extractor
  • GPU: GPU Id if you have multiple GPUs


We provide pre-trained weights for three datasets in ckpt/pretrained/kitti_release/, ckpt/pretrained/nusc_release/ and ckpt/pretrained/apollo_release/, respectively. And the test scripts are provided in scripts/.

Please specify the following entries:

  • DATASET: [‘kitti’,’nusc’,’apollo’]
  • ROOT: Root of the dataset
  • DATA_LIST: Data list in data/data_list, e.g., data/data_list/kitti_list
  • SAVE_DIR: The dir you want to save the results
  • PRETRAIN_WEIGHTS: Pretrain weights in ckpt/pretrained, e.g., ckpt/pretrained/kitti_release/kitti.pth
  • NPOINTS: 16384 for kitti and apollo, 8192 for nuscenes


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