Conway's Game of Life

An interactive simulator that implements the standard Conway Game of Life with a simple menu developed in Python + Pygame. Test and experience the different types of cell automaton patterns discovered and found in this game.

? Shortcuts to change program settings

  • use ESC to exit / close the program.
  • use A to play/pause execution.
  • use S to switch between pencil / eraser.
  • use Q to decrease block size.
  • use W to increase block size.
  • use Z to clear/reset the grid.
  • use X to clear/reset the grid and generate automatons at random positions.

How can I run?

Download the project, install the dependencies, enter the src folder and execute:



  • Pygame == 1.9.6.
  • Pillow == 8.2.0.
  • Python == 3.7 or higher.


  • current version of the project: 1.0.1.

by FranciscoCharles
