Enformer – Jax (wip)

Implementation of Enformer, attention network for predicting gene expression, in Jax using the Haiku framework


@article {Avsec2021.04.07.438649,
    author  = {Avsec, {\v Z}iga and Agarwal, Vikram and Visentin, Daniel and Ledsam, Joseph R. and Grabska-Barwinska, Agnieszka and Taylor, Kyle R. and Assael, Yannis and Jumper, John and Kohli, Pushmeet and Kelley, David R.},
    title   = {Effective gene expression prediction from sequence by integrating long-range interactions},
    elocation-id = {2021.04.07.438649},
    year    = {2021},
    doi     = {10.1101/2021.04.07.438649},
    publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
    URL     = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2021/04/08/2021.04.07.438649},
    eprint  = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2021/04/08/2021.04.07.438649.full.pdf},
    journal = {bioRxiv}


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