SE3 Transformer – Pytorch

Implementation of SE3-Transformers for Equivariant Self-Attention, in Pytorch. May be needed for replicating Alphafold2 results and other drug discovery applications.


$ pip install se3-transformer-pytorch


import torch
from se3_transformer_pytorch import SE3Transformer

model = SE3Transformer(
    dim = 512,
    heads = 8,
    depth = 6,
    dim_head = 64,
    num_degrees = 4,
    valid_radius = 10

feats = torch.randn(1, 1024, 512)
coors = torch.randn(1, 1024, 3)
mask  = torch.ones(1, 1024).bool()

out = model(feats, coors, mask) # (1, 1024, 512)

Potential example usage in Alphafold2, as outlined here

import torch
from se3_transformer_pytorch import SE3Transformer

model = SE3Transformer(
    dim = 64,
    depth = 2,
    input_degrees = 1,
    num_degrees = 2,
    output_degrees = 2,
    reduce_dim_out = True

atom_feats = torch.randn(2, 32, 64)
coors = torch.randn(2, 32, 3)
mask  = torch.ones(2, 32).bool()

refinement = model(atom_feats, coors, mask, return_type = 1) # (2, 32, 3)

You can also let the base transformer class take care of embedding the type 0 features being passed in. Assuming they are atoms

import torch
from se3_transformer_pytorch import SE3Transformer

model = SE3Transformer(
    num_tokens = 28,       # 28 unique atoms
    dim = 64,
    depth = 2,
    input_degrees = 1,
    num_degrees = 2,
    output_degrees = 2,
    reduce_dim_out = True

atoms = torch.randint(0, 28, (2, 32))
coors = torch.randn(2, 32, 3)
mask  = torch.ones(2, 32).bool()

refinement = model(atoms, coors, mask, return_type = 1) # (2, 32, 3)

If you think the net could further benefit from positional encoding, you can featurize your positions in space and pass it in as follows.

import torch
from se3_transformer_pytorch import SE3Transformer

model = SE3Transformer(
    dim = 64,
    depth = 2,
    input_degrees = 2,
    num_degrees = 2,
    output_degrees = 2,
    reduce_dim_out = True  # reduce out the final dimension

atom_feats  = torch.randn(2, 32, 64, 1) # b x n x d x type0
coors_feats = torch.randn(2, 32, 64, 3) # b x n x d x type1

# atom features are type 0, predicted coordinates are type 1
features = {'0': atom_feats, '1': coors_feats}
coors = torch.randn(2, 32, 3)
mask  = torch.ones(2, 32).bool()

refinement = model(features, coors, mask, return_type = 1) # (2, 32, 3) - equivariant to input type 1 features and coordinates


To offer edge information to SE3 Transformers (say bond types between atoms), you just have to pass in two more keyword arguments on initialization.

import torch
from se3_transformer_pytorch import SE3Transformer

model = SE3Transformer(
    num_tokens = 28,
    dim = 64,
    num_edge_tokens = 4,       # number of edge type, say 4 bond types
    edge_dim = 16,             # dimension of edge embedding
    depth = 2,
    input_degrees = 1,
    num_degrees = 3,
    output_degrees = 1,
    reduce_dim_out = True

atoms = torch.randint(0, 28, (2, 32))
bonds = torch.randint(0, 4, (2, 32, 32))
coors = torch.randn(2, 32, 3)
mask  = torch.ones(2, 32).bool()

pred = model(atoms, coors, mask, edges = bonds, return_type = 0) # (2, 32, 1)


By default, the basis vectors are cached. However, if there is ever the need to clear the cache, you simply have to set the environmental flag CLEAR_CACHE to some value on initiating the script

$ CLEAR_CACHE=1 python

Or you can try deleting the cache directory, which should exist at

$ rm -rf ~/.cache.equivariant_attention


$ python pytest


This library is largely a port of Fabian’s official repository, but without the DGL library.


    title   = {SE(3)-Transformers: 3D Roto-Translation Equivariant Attention Networks}, 
    author  = {Fabian B. Fuchs and Daniel E. Worrall and Volker Fischer and Max Welling},
    year    = {2020},
    eprint  = {2006.10503},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    primaryClass = {cs.LG}
