About the app

In one particilar project, i had to import some key/value data to Prometheus. So i have decided to create my custom-built Node Exporter in Python, then dockerize it and share it in my Github account.

In this example, i used API to get Bitcoin price in Dollar and Euro, import it in the Prometheus and visualize it using Grafana. You can import any data using your own Python scripts.

Run Program

Login to the server where you want to run this exporter and clone the project:

  git clone https://github.com/hmdhszd/Custom_Prometheus_Node_Exporter-in-Python.git

Go to the project directory:

  cd Custom_Prometheus_Node_Exporter-in-Python

Build image and start the container:

  docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate

Add the exporter to Prometheus

Add this part at the end of the configuration of your Prometheus (prometheus.yaml):

  - job_name: python-exporter
    metrics_path: /metrics.txt
      - targets: ['<IP-of-Node-Exporter-Server>:9999']

Add Grafana dashboards using imported items

App Screenshot
GitHub - hmdhszd/Custom_Prometheus_Node_Exporter-in-Python at pythonawesome.com
In one particular project, i had to import some key/value data to Prometheus. So i have decided to create my custom-built Node Exporter in Python. - GitHub - hmdhszd/Custom_Prometheus_Node_Exporter...