

This repository holds those infrastructure-level modules,
that every application requires that follows the core 12-factor principles.



Install Python and module dependencies

Install Python 3, using some virtual environment.

Create and switch to a virtual environment dedicated to this project.

For development, install the package and its dependencies in editable mode, using task:

    task install-dev-editable

or directly with the pip command:

    pip install -e .[dev] .

The task install-... tasks also installs git hooks (e.g. pre-commit).
The git hooks are simple bash scripts, that call tasks, for example the pre-commit hook will call the task pre-commit command.


List the available tasks:

    task list

    task: Available tasks for this project:
    * build-docker:         Build docker image
    * clean:                Clean temporary files and folders
    * coverage:             Test coverage
    * default:              Executes all the tests then build the binary.
    * docs:                 Generate module documentation into the docs/ folder
    * format:               Autoformat the source files
    * install:              Install the package and its dependencies
    * install-dev:          Install the package and its dependencies for development
    * install-dev-editable: Install the package and its dependencies for development with editablility
    * install-git-hooks:    Install git hooks
    * lint:                 Run python linter
    * pre-commit:           Runs the QA tasks from a git pre-commit hook
    * test:                 Run all the tests.
    * test-verbose:         Run all the go tests.

Run tests:

    task test-verbose


Development tools

GitHub - tombenke/py-12f-common at
Infrastructure-level modules, that every application requires that follows the core 12-factor principles. - GitHub - tombenke/py-12f-common at