InvTorch: Memory-Efficient Invertible Functions

This module extends the functionality of torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint to work with invertible functions. So, not only the intermediate activations will be released from memory. The input tensors get deallocated and recomputed later using the inverse function only in the backward pass. This is useful in extreme situations where more compute is traded with memory. However, there are few caveats to consider which are detailed here.


InvTorch has minimal dependencies. It only requires Python >=3.6 and PyTorch >=1.10.0.

conda install pytorch==1.10.0 torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install invtorch

Basic Usage

The main module that we are interested in is InvertibleModule which inherits from torch.nn.Module. Subclass it to implement your own invertible code.

import torch
from torch import nn
from invtorch import InvertibleModule, requires_grad

class InvertibleLinear(InvertibleModule):
    def __init__(self, in_features, out_features):
        super().__init__(invertible=True, checkpoint=True, seed=False)
        self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(out_features, in_features))
        self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(out_features))

    def function(self, inputs, strict_forward=False):
        outputs = inputs @ self.weight.T + self.bias
        if strict_forward:
            requires_grad(outputs, any=(inputs, self.weight, self.bias))
        return outputs

    def inverse(self, outputs, saved=()):
        return (outputs - self.bias) @ self.weight.T.pinverse()


You can immediately notice few differences to the regular PyTorch module here. There is no longer a need to define forward(). Instead, it is replaced with function(*inputs, strict_forward=False). Additionally, it is necessary to define its inverse function as inverse(*outputs, saved=()). Both methods can only take one or more positional arguments and return a torch.Tensor or a tuple of outputs which can have anything including tensors.

Requires Gradient

function() must manually call .requires_grad_(True/False) on all output tensors when strict_forward is set to True. The forward pass is run in no_grad mode and there is no way to detect which output need gradients without tracing. It is possible to infer this from requires_grad values of the inputs and self.parameters(). The above code uses invtorch.require_grad(any=...) which returns True if any input did require gradient. In inverse(), the keyword argument saved is passed. Which is the set of inputs positions that are already saved in memory and there is no need to compute them.


Now, this model is ready to be instantiated and used directly.

x = torch.randn(10, 3)
model = InvertibleLinear(3, 5)
print('Consistent strict_forward:', model.check_function  (x))
print('Is invertible:', model.check_inverse(x))

y = model(x)
print('Output requires_grad:', y.requires_grad)
print('Input was freed:', == 0)

print('Input was restored:', != 0)

Checkpoint and Invertible Modes

InvertibleModule has two flags which control the mode of operation; checkpoint and invertible. If checkpoint was set to False, or when working in no_grad mode, or no input or parameter has requires_grad set to True, it acts exactly as a normal PyTorch module. Otherwise, the model is either invertible or an ordinary checkpoint depending on whether invertible is set to True or False, respectively. Those, flags can be changed at any time during operation without any repercussions. A third flag seed is by default False and if set to True, it ensures that the forward runs in the same random number generator’s state of the devices of the input tensors.


Under the hood, InvertibleModule uses invtorch.checkpoint(); a low-level implementation which allows it to function. It is an improved version of torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint(). There are few considerations to keep in mind when working with invertible checkpoints and non-materialized tensors. Please, refer to the documentation in the code for more details.

Overriding forward()

Although forward() is now doing important things to ensure the validity of the results when calling invtorch.checkpoint(), it can still be overridden. The main reason of doing so is to provide a more user-friendly interface; function signature and output format. For example, function() could return extra outputs that are not needed in the module outputs but are essential for correctly computing the inverse(). In such case, define forward() to wrap outputs = super().forward(*inputs, strict_forward=strict_forward) more cleanly.


Here are few feature ideas that could be implemented to enrich the utility of this package:

  • Add more basic operations and modules
  • Add coupling and interleave -based invertible operations
  • Add more checks to help the user in debugging more features
  • Context-manager to temporarily change the mode of operation
  • Implement dynamic discovery for outputs that requires_grad
  • Develop an automatic mode optimization for a network for various objectives


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