
Isobot is originally made by notsniped#0002. This is a remix of by αrchιshα#5518.

isobot6.9 is a Discord bot written in Python and is used to make your Discord experience better!

Its prefix is ].

To run it, go to line 15 and put the bot token inside

token = “token_line_15”

Also put your discord id in line 16. To get your id, run ?userinfo or auserinfo (slash commands also works) in any servers with Dyno or Arcane and copy your bot’s client ID.


  • Use ]chelp to get command list.

Moderation commands:
[kick, ban, unban, mute, unmute, purge]

Informative commands:
[ping, serverinfo, userinfo, serverlist, morebots]

Misc commands:
[snipe(channel), edit_snipe(global), 8ball, null, fstab, roll, say]

Details info about iso6.9 / isobot

For more details please read the original by notsniped.

More features will be added


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