
This is a simple wrapper of Javascript engines, it wraps the Javascript
interpreter for Python use.

There are two ways to call interpreters, via dynamic library loading is internal
call which is faster than the other one, via subprocess is external call.

  • System’s built-in Javascript interpreter:

    macOS: JavascriptCore
    Linux: Gjs on Gnome, CJS on Cinnamon, etc.
    Windows: Chakra (internal call, but not applicable to Windows 7)

  • Two Python bindings (Recommend, internal call):


  • Any installed external Javascript interpreters, e.g.

    SpiderMonkey, Node.js, QuickJS, etc.

JSEngine used to be part of YKDL,
which created by @coslyk.


Install from
package format
monthly downloads

pip install jsengine

Or download and Install from source code

python setup.py install


  • Python >= 2.7


import jsengine
jsengine.eval('"Hello, world!"')  # => 'Hello, world!'

Use a JSEngine context.

    ctx1 = jsengine.jsengine()
except jsengine.RuntimeError:
    ...  # do something if useless

if jsengine.JSEngine is None:
    ...  # do something if useless
    ctx2 = jsengine.JSEngine("""
            function add(x, y) {
                return x + y;

ctx1.eval('1 + 1')  # => 2

# call funtion
ctx2.call("add", 1, 2)  # => 3

# append new script
    function square(x) {
        return x ** 2;
ctx1.call("square", 9)  # => 81

Use a specified external Javascript interpreter.

binary = binary_name or binary_path
kwargs = {
    'name': 'None or any string',  # see ExternalInterpreterNameAlias.keys()
    'tempfile': True,              # use tempfile or not
    'evalstring': True,            # can run command string as Javascript
                                   # or can not, '-e script_code'
    'args': [args1, args2, ...]    # arguments used for interpreter

# case 1
interpreter = jsengine.ExternalInterpreter.get(binary, **kwargs)
if interpreter:
    # found
    ctx = jsengine.ExternalJSEngine(interpreter)

# case 2
if jsengine.set_external_interpreter(binary, **kwargs):
    # set default external interpreter OK
    ctx = jsengine.ExternalJSEngine()

# case 3, maybe get default fallback instead of your specified
    ctx = jsengine.ExternalJSEngine(interpreter=binary, **kwargs)
except jsengine.RuntimeError:
    ...  # do something if useless


JSEngine is released under the MIT License.


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