
this project aim to use PPO control a 5 dof manipulator to draw lines in 3d space.

Introduction to the files

  1. the pybullet environment is built in ‘env’ folder.
  2. the ‘PPO_trainer.py’ is the trainnig program.
  3. the ‘robot_5dof.py’ is the control program.
  4. the results are put in ‘result’ folder.

How to use it

  1. run the ‘PPO_trainner.py’ to train the PPO agent. You also can test your agent by uncommenting the ‘test()’ funtion in main().
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  2. the trained agent will be saved in ‘result’ folder.
  3. run the ‘robot_5dof.py’ to generate the trajectory of manipulator, saved in ‘action.npy’.
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  4. connect to the manipulator, run the ‘my_serial.py’, enter ‘python3 my_serial.py single back’ in termianl to control the manipulator move to start position.
  5. run ‘control.py’ to control the manipulator move following the trajectroy in the ‘action.npy’.
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