
klipper-lb but Tailscale. Basically does what Tailscale’s k8s examples do but as a Kubernetes load balancer controller to automatically provision Tailscale IPs for internal Kubernetes LoadBalancer services.



There’s a Helm chart in the chart directory. There’s no public Helm repository available (yet). It deploys the controller & any svc-lb pods in the namespace where it’s installed.

Once the controller is deployed, create a LoadBalancer service with the loadBalancerClass set to “svc-lb.tailscale.iptables.sh/lb”.

There should be a DaemonSet created in the controller’s namespace for the newly-created LoadBalancer service. View the logs of the leader-elected pod and click the login.tailscale.com link to authenticate. You only have to do this once per service.

This can be automated by creating a secret in the controller’s namespace called tailscale-svc-lb with the key ts-auth-key and the value being your Tailscale’s registration token.

How it works

On new LoadBalancer service:

  1. Look for LoadBalancer services with our loadbalancerclass
  2. Look for nodes with the label svc-lb.tailscale.iptables.sh/deploy=true
  3. Deploy a DaemonSet with the name: ts-${SVC_NAME} and our custom Docker image containing tailscaled.
  4. Let the DaemonSet container run tailscaled, once IP is acquired, update tailscaled’s secret with the Tailscale IP.
  5. Retrieve IP from secret/configmap, update LoadBalancer service with ingress IP (Tailscale IP)

Each tailscale-svc-lb-runtime DaemonSet runs the leader-elector sidecar to automatically elect a leader using the Kubernetes leader election system. tailscaled only works properly when ran on 1 pod at a time, hence this leader election system.

iptables DNAT is used to redirect incoming traffic to the service ClusterIP address, so NET_ADMIN capability is required & ipv4 forwarding.

On LoadBalancer service deletion:

  1. Delete the DaemonSet
  2. Delete the Secret/ConfigMap
  3. Let Kubernetes delete the service


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