LibreSSL bindings for Python using CFFI

LibreSSL bindings for Python using CFFI


  • LibreSSL >= 2.3.3
  • cffi > 1.0.0
  • pytest (optional, running tests)
  • make (optional, building docs)
  • sphinx (optional, building docs)

Build dependencies:

  • Windows: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, cmake >=3.5
  • GNU/Linux: gcc, make, autotools

Building prerequisities

Here $package_path means path to pylibressl's extracted/cloned source tree root.


Unpack LibreSSL source tarball (can be found here ) and execute ./configure --prefix=PREFIX, make and make install. You may run make check as well. PREFIX should be $package_path/pylibressl/libressl.

Windows (Visual Studio)

First of all, cmake should be installed. The following steps were tested with cmake 3.5 and Visual Studio 2015, but it should work for sufficiently recent versions too.

Unpack LibreSSL sources and execute the following in the source root:

mkdir build-vs
cd build-vs
cmake -G"Visual Studio 14 2015" ..

It will generate Visual Studio solution and other build files. Then you can build it in MSBuild console using msbuild.exe LibreSSL.sln.

Create directories $package_path\pylibressl\libressl\{include,lib}. Copy build-vs\crypto\Debug\crypto.lib to $package_path\pylibressl\libressl\lib\, include\openssl to $package_path\pylibressl\libressl\include\.

Building and running


Before testing/building export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$package_path/pylibressl/libressl/lib should be called. To build extensions in dev mode, call make devbuild. Run tests using make test or make quiet_test. To build package so it would be available to other tools use python install or python develop.


Add $package_path\libressl\lib to your PATH. Build and install package using python install or python develop. Optionally you can run tests using python tests or python -m pytest in the project root.

Building documentation

To build documentation, install sphinx and sphinx-autoapi and run the following in project root:

sphinx-apidoc -e -M -o docs/ .
cd docs/
make html

or just

make docs

at the project root.

HTMLs will be in docs/_build/html directory.
