M3D-VTON: A Monocular-to-3D Virtual Try-On Network

Official code for ICCV2021 paper “M3D-VTON: A Monocular-to-3D Virtual Try-on Network”

Paper | Supplementary | MPV3D Dataset | Pretrained Models



python >= 3.8.0, pytorch == 1.6.0, torchvision == 0.7.0

Data Processing

After downloading the MPV3D Dataset, please run the following script to preprocess the data:

python util/data_preprocessing.py --MPV3D_root path/to/MPV3D/dataset

Running Inference

We provide demo inputs under the mpv3d_example folder, where the target clothing and the reference person are like:

Demo inputs

with inputs from the mpv3d_example folder, the easiest way to get start is to use the pretrained models and sequentially run the four steps below:

1. Testing MTM Module

python test.py --model MTM --name MTM --dataroot mpv3d_example --datalist test_pairs --results_dir results

2. Testing DRM Module

python test.py --model DRM --name DRM --dataroot mpv3d_example --datalist test_pairs --results_dir results

3. Testing TFM Module

python test.py --model TFM --name TFM --dataroot mpv3d_example --datalist test_pairs --results_dir results

4. Getting colored point cloud and Remeshing

(Note: since the back-side person images are unavailable, in rgbd2pcd.py we provide a fast face inpainting function that produces the mirrored back-side image after a fashion. One may need manually inpaint other back-side texture areas to achieve better visual quality.)

python rgbd2pcd.py

Now you should get the point cloud file prepared for remeshing under results/aligned/pcd/test_pairs/*.ply. MeshLab can be used to remesh the predicted point cloud, with two simple steps below:

  • Normal Estimation: Open MeshLab and load the point cloud file, and then go to Filters –> Normals, Curvatures and Orientation –> Compute normals for point sets

  • Possion Remeshing: Go to Filters –> Remeshing, Simplification and Reconstruction –> Surface Reconstruction: Screen Possion (set reconstruction depth = 9)

Now the final 3D try-on result should be obtained:

Try-on Result

Training on MPV3D Dataset

With the pre-processed MPV3D dataset, you can train the model from scratch by folllowing the three steps below:

1. Train MTM module

python train.py --model MTM --name MTM --dataroot path/to/MPV3D/data --datalist train_pairs --checkpoints_dir path/for/saving/model

then run the command below to obtain the --warproot (here refers to the --results_dir) which is necessary for the other two modules:

python test.py --model MTM --name MTM --dataroot path/to/MPV3D/data --datalist train_pairs --checkpoints_dir path/to/saved/MTMmodel --results_dir path/for/saving/MTM/results

2. Train DRM module

python train.py --model DRM --name DRM --dataroot path/to/MPV3D/data --warproot path/to/MTM/warp/cloth --datalist train_pairs --checkpoints_dir path/for/saving/model

3. Train TFM module

python train.py --model TFM --name TFM --dataroot path/to/MPV3D/data --warproot path/to/MTM/warp/cloth --datalist train_pairs --checkpoints_dir path/for/saving/model

(See options/base_options.py and options/train_options.py for more training options.)


The use of this code and the MPV3D dataset is RESTRICTED to non-commercial research and educational purposes.


If our code is helpful to your research, please cite:

  title={M3D-VTON: A Monocular-to-3D Virtual Try-On Network},
  author={Fuwei Zhao and Zhenyu Xie and Michael C. Kampffmeyer and Haoye Dong and Songfang Han and Tianxiang Zheng and Tao Zhang and Xiaodan Liang},

