
Authors: Yi-Hui (Sophia) Chou, I-Chun (Bronwin) Chen

This is the official repository for the paper, MidiBERT-Piano: Large-scale Pre-training for Symbolic Music Understanding.

With this repository, you can

  • pre-train a MidiBERT-Piano with your customized pre-trained dataset
  • fine-tune & evaluate on 4 downstream tasks
  • compare its performance with a Bi-LSTM

All the datasets employed in this work are publicly available.

Quick Start

If you'd like to reproduce the results (MidiBERT) shown in the paper,

  1. please download the checkpoints, and rename files like the following
└── finetune
	└── melody_default
		└── model_best.ckpt
	└── velocity_default
		└── model_best.ckpt
	└── composer_default
		└── model_best.ckpt
	└── emotion_default
		└── model_best.ckpt
  1. please refer to evaluation,

and you are free to go! (btw, no gpu is needed for evaluation)


  • Python3
  • Install generally used packages for MidiBERT-Piano:
git clone https://github.com/wazenmai/MIDI-BERT.git
pip install -r requirements.txt

A. Prepare Data

All data in CP/REMI token are stored in data/CP & data/remi, respectively, including the train, valid, test split.

You can also preprocess as below.

1. download dataset and preprocess

  • Pop1K7
  • ASAP
    • Step 1: Download ASAP dataset from the link
    • Step 2: Use Dataset/ASAP_song.pkl to extract songs to Dataset/ASAP
  • POP909
    • preprocess to have 865 pieces in qualified 4/4 time signature
    • exploratory.py to get pieces qualified in 4/4 time signature and save at qual_pieces.pkl
    • preprocess.py to realign and preprocess
    • Special thanks to Shih-Lun (Sean) Wu
  • Pianist8
    • Step 1: Download Pianist8 dataset from the link
    • Step 2: Use Dataset/pianist8_(mode).pkl to extracts songs to Dataset/pianist8/mode
    • Step 1: Download Emopia dataset from the link
    • Step 2: Use Dataset/emopia_(mode).pkl to extracts songs to Dataset/emopia/mode

2. prepare dict

dict/make_dict.py customize the events & words you'd like to add.

In this paper, we only use Bar, Position, Pitch, Duration. And we provide our dictionaries in CP & REMI representation.



3. prepare CP & REMI


  • Run python3 main.py . Please specify the dataset and whether you wanna prepare an answer array for the task (i.e. melody extraction, velocity prediction, composer classification and emotion classification).
  • For example, python3 main.py --dataset=pop909 --task=melody --dir=[DIR_TO_STORE_DATA]


  • The same logic applies to preparing REMI data.

Acknowledgement: CP repo, remi repo

You may encode these midi files in different representations, the data split is in ***.

B. Pre-train a MidiBERT-Piano

./MidiBERT/CP and ./MidiBERT/remi

  • pre-train a MidiBERT-Piano
python3 main.py --name=default

A folder named CP_result/pretrain/default/ will be created, with checkpoint & log inside.

  • customize your own pre-training dataset
    Feel free to select given dataset and add your own dataset. To do this, add --dataset, and specify the respective path in load_data() function.
    For example,
# to pre-train a model with only 2 datasets
python3 main.py --name=default --dataset pop1k7 asap	

Acknowledgement: HuggingFace

Special thanks to Chin-Jui Chang

C. Fine-tune & Evaluate on Downstream Tasks

./MidiBERT/CP and ./MidiBERT/remi

1. fine-tuning

  • finetune.py
python3 finetune.py --task=melody --name=default

A folder named CP_result/finetune/{name}/ will be created, with checkpoint & log inside.

2. evaluation

  • eval.py
python3 eval.py --task=melody --cpu --ckpt=[ckpt_path]

Test loss & accuracy will be printed, and a figure of confusion matrix will be saved.

The same logic applies to REMI representation.

D. Baseline Model (Bi-LSTM)

./baseline/CP & ./baseline/remi

We seperate our baseline model to note-level tasks, which used a Bi-LSTM, and sequence-level tasks, which used a Bi-LSTM + Self-attention model.

For evaluation, in note-level task, please specify the checkpoint name.
In sequence-level task, please specify only the output name you set when you trained.

  • Train a Bi-LSTM

    • note-level task
    python3 main.py --task=melody --name=0710
    • sequence-level task
    python3 main.py --task=composer --output=0710
  • Evaluate

    • note-level task:
    python3 eval.py --task=melody --ckpt=result/melody-LSTM/0710/LSTM-melody-classification.pth
    • sequence-level task
    python3 eval.py --task='composer' --ckpt=0710

The same logic applies to REMI representation.

Special thanks to Ching-Yu (Sunny) Chiu

E. Skyline

Get the accuracy on pop909 using skyline algorithm

python3 cal_acc.py

Since Pop909 contains melody, bridge, accompaniment, yet skyline cannot distinguish between melody and bridge.

There are 2 ways to report its accuracy:

  1. Consider Bridge as Accompaniment, attains 78.54% accuracy
  2. Consider Bridge as Melody, attains 79.51%

Special thanks to Wen-Yi Hsiao for providing the code for skyline algorithm.


If you find this useful, please cite our paper.

  title={{MidiBERT-Piano}: Large-scale Pre-training for Symbolic Music Understanding},
  author={Yi-Hui Chou and I-Chun Chen and Chin-Jui Chang and Joann Ching, and Yi-Hsuan Yang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.05223},

