

PasswordManager is a command-line program that helps you manage your secret files like passwords. It's very minimalistic and easy to use.


I just tried to make installation process as easy as possible. Obviously the PasswordManager requires the installed Python3.

# PasswordManager supports version of python 3.4 or higher.
git clone
python3 -m pip install -r ./PasswordManager/dependencies.txt
chmod +x ./PasswordManager/doopass
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin/PasswordManager
cp -r ./PasswordManager/* ~/.local/bin/PasswordManager

# Also add this line with exporting PATH variable to
# a config file of your shell (for example: ~/.bashrc)
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin/PasswordManager"
echo ""
~/.local/bin/PasswordManager/doopass --init


The PasswordManager provides a few commands (see --help option for more information). The base ones:

doopass --add-property <name> <value> <password?>
doopass --get-value <name> <password?>

You can add and get a value from the global store. The name parameter is a key which be used later to get the set value. You also have an ability to pass or not your password as an argument. If you don't, the PasswordManager ask you to enter it (the password won't be shown).

GitHub - doopath/PasswordManager at
Minimalistic password manager written in Python. Contribute to doopath/PasswordManager development by creating an account on GitHub.