
Module for converting 2D Python lists to fancy ASCII tables. Table2Ascii lets you display pretty tables in the terminal and on Discord.

? Installation

pip install table2ascii

?‍? Usage

Convert lists to ASCII tables

from table2ascii import table2ascii

output = table2ascii(
    header=["#", "G", "H", "R", "S"],
    body=[["1", "30", "40", "35", "30"], ["2", "30", "40", "35", "30"]],
    footer=["SUM", "130", "140", "135", "130"],


║  #     G     H     R     S  ║
║  1    30    40    35    30  ║
║  2    30    40    35    30  ║
║ SUM   130   140   135   130 ║

Set first or last column headings

from table2ascii import table2ascii

output = table2ascii(
    body=[["Assignment", "30", "40", "35", "30"], ["Bonus", "10", "20", "5", "10"]],


║ Assignment ║ 30   40   35   30 ║
║    Bonus   ║ 10   20    5   10 ║

Set column widths and alignments

from table2ascii import table2ascii, Alignment

output = table2ascii(
    header=["#", "G", "H", "R", "S"],
    body=[["1", "30", "40", "35", "30"], ["2", "30", "40", "35", "30"]],
    column_widths=[5] * 5,  # [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]
    alignments=[Alignment.LEFT] + [Alignment.RIGHT] * 4, # First is left, remaining 4 are right


║ #   ║   G     H     R     S ║
║ 1   ║  30    40    35    30 ║
║ 2   ║  30    40    35    30 ║

Use a preset style

from table2ascii import table2ascii, PresetStyle

output = table2ascii(
    header=["First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth"],
    body=[["10", "30", "40", "35"], ["20", "10", "20", "5"]],
    column_widths=[10] * 4,


|  First   |  Second  |  Third   |  Fourth  |
|    10    |    30    |    40    |    35    |
|    20    |    10    |    20    |    5     |

Define a custom style

Check TableStyle for more info and PresetStyle for examples.

from table2ascii import table2ascii, TableStyle

my_style = TableStyle.from_string("*-..*||:+-+:+     *''*")

output = table2ascii(
    header=["First", "Second", "Third"],
    body=[["10", "30", "40"], ["20", "10", "20"], ["30", "20", "30"]],


| First : Second : Third |
|  10   :   30   :  40   |
|  20   :   10   :  20   |
|  30   :   20   :  30   |

? Preset styles

See a list of all preset styles here.

⚙️ Options

All parameters are optional.

Option Type Default Description
header List[str] None First row of table seperated by header row seperator
body List[List[str]] None List of rows for the main section of the table
footer List[str] None Last row of table seperated by header row seperator
column_widths List[int] automatic List of column widths in characters for each column
alignments List[int] all centered Alignments for each column
(ex. [Alignment.LEFT, Alignment.CENTER, Alignment.RIGHT])
first_col_heading bool False Whether to add a heading column seperator after the first column
last_col_heading bool False Whether to add a heading column seperator before the last column

?‍? Use cases

Discord messages and embeds

  • Display tables nicely inside markdown codeblocks on Discord
  • Useful for making Discord bots with


Terminal outputs

  • Tables display nicely whenever monospace fonts are fully supported
  • Tables make terminal outputs look more professional


? Development

To run tests (pytest)

python test

To lint (flake8):

python lint
