Shahzain SelfBot

This tool is created by Shahzain and is one of the best self bots out there!


  • Token Destroyer!
  • Server Nuker(50-100 Bans Per Second)!
  • Disable/Lock Token With One Command
  • Server Joiner
  • Member Scrapper
  • Webhook Spammer
  • Username Scrapper
  • DM Spammer(Spam Anyones DMS)
  • Commands

  • !spamchannels “channelName” | Creates alot of channels in the guild/server the command is executed in
  • !spamroles “roleName” | Creates alot of roles in the guild/server the command is executed in
  • !scrape | Scrapes members of the guild the command is executed in which can be used to mass ban later
  • !massban | Bans all the members of the server at a very quick speed(50-100 bans per 1 second)
  • !spamwebhook webhook_url “content” | Spams the webhook very quickly
  • !deleteallroles | Deletes all the roles in the guild/server the command is executed in
  • !deleteallchannels | Deletes all the channels in the guild/server the command is executed in
  • !spamfriends “msg” | DMS the user’s friend list with the given message
  • !disabletoken | Disables/Phonelock the token
  • !sethypesquad “house” | Changes the hypesquad of the user to the provided house(ex: !sethypesquad “balance”)
  • !rapetoken | Destroys the token completely
  • !spamdms user_id “msg” | Spams the given user’s dms(ex: !spamdms 893638424362385418 “shahzain is the best”)
  • !unbanall | Unbans all banned members from the guild the command is executed in
  • Note your token will not be locked/disabled with this tool


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