
osqueryIR is an artifact collection tool for Linux systems. It provides the following capabilities:

  • Execute osquery SQL queries
  • Collect files and folder
  • Execute system commands
  • Parse log files (ex. nginx, auth, syslog, etc) using regex

Try it

  1. Clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/abdulrhmanalfaifi/osqueryIR
  2. Download python dependencies

    python3 -m pip install -r requirments.txt
  3. Try it using this command

    python3 osqueryIR.py -h


The following is the help message for osqueryIR:

usage: osqueryIR.py [-h] [--osquery-binary OSQUERY_BINARY] [-c CONFIG]
                    [-o OUTPUT] [-q] [--log-file-name LOG_FILE_NAME]
                    [--log-level {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG}]
                    [--output-format {jsonl,kjson}] [--disable-collect]

A Linux artifact collection tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --osquery-binary OSQUERY_BINARY
                        osqueryd binary path (Default=./osqueryd)
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Path to the configuration file (Default=./config.yaml)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Change the output folder name (Defaults to the machine
  -q, --quiet           Do not print log messages
  --log-file-name LOG_FILE_NAME
                        Name of the log file (Default=osqueryIR_log)
                        Set logging level (Default=INFO)
  --output-format {jsonl,kjson}
                        Change the output format (Default=jsonl)
  --disable-collect     Disable collection artifacts
  • --osquery-binary: osqueryd binary path. By default it will uses the binary in this repo.

  • -c or --config: path to osqueryIR configuration. By default it will be config.yaml in this repo.

  • -o or --output: the output file (zip file) name, By default it will be the machine hostname.

  • -q or --quit: Do not print logging to the stdout. osqueryIR will always write the log to the output file.

  • --log-file-name: change the default name for the log file (osqueryIR_log).

  • --log-level: the log level, default is INFO.

  • --output-format: osqueryIR support writing the results in two different formats:

    • jsonl: a newline separated JSON object. Each object represent a record.
    • kjson: the format understood by Kuiper. If you are planing to use Kuiper for analysis then you should use this format.
  • --disable-collect: disable artifact collecting. Only parsing and osquery artifacts will be acquired.


osqueryIR accepts a configuration file that contains artifact specification. The following is an example configuration along with comments:

    # Name of artifact. the results will be saved to a file with this name
  - logged_in_users:
      # artifact type. queries run osquery SQL queries and return the results as json
        - 'select * from logged_in_users'
      # Optional: map the field called `name` to `@timestamp` and run the modfier `epoch_to_iso` on the value. `modifier` field is not required
        - name: time
          map_to: '@timestamp'
          modifier: epoch_to_iso
      # Optional: description of the artifact
      description: 'Collect and parse the currently loggedin users'
  - logs:
      # artifact type. collect the specified files and directories without parsing
        - '/var/log/**'
        - '/home/*/.vnc/*.log'
      description: 'Collect logs wellknow paths'
  - auth_log:
      # artifact type. parse the specified files using regex and return the results as json.
        # files to parse
        path: '/var/log/auth.log*'
        # regex used for parsing
        regex: '([A-Z][a-z]{2}[ ]{1,}[0-9]{1,2}[ ]{1,2}[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}) ([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+) ([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\]\(\)=\./]+)\[?([0-9]+)?\]?: (.*)'
        # the name of the extracted fields
          - 'time'
          - 'hostname'
          - 'service'
          - 'pid'
          - 'msg'
        - name: time
          map_to: '@timestamp'
          modifier: time_without_year_to_iso
      description: 'Parse auth logs from the path /var/log/, and return the results as jsonl/kjson'
  - bad_logins:
  	  # artifact type. Execute system command and return stdout & stderr
        - 'lastb'


To collect the artifacts from the provided configurations, execute the following command:

python3 osqueryIR.py

A file will be created named {HOSTNAME}.zip that contains all artifacts.

Useing osqueryIR with Kuiper

osqueryIR can generate the result in kjson format which could be ingested by Kuiper. To collect artifacts in kjson format execute the following command:

python3 osqueryIR.py --output-format kjson --disable-collect

upload the file to Kuiper and execute the kjson parser



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