
POC for detecting the Log4Shell (Log4J RCE) vulnerability.

Run on a system with python3 python3 log4shell-poc.py

  • pathToTargetFile – containing a list of targets (targets are seperated by newlines)
  • InteractionURL – the endpoint used to monitor out of band data extraction or interactions, e.g: https://github.com/projectdiscovery/interactsh

Example Output

<div class="snippet-clipboard-content position-relative overflow-auto" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="[1] Testing asset: http://

[2] Testing asset: http://

[3] Testing asset: http://

[4] Testing asset: http://

[5] Testing asset: http://

[6] Testing asset: http://

[7] Testing asset: http://”>

[1] Testing asset: http://

[2] Testing asset: http://

[3] Testing asset: http://

[4] Testing asset: http://

[5] Testing asset: http://
         [6] Testing asset: http://
          [7] Testing asset: http://