Prescriptions for Thoth's adviser

Prescriptions to heal your applications and application dependencies.

What are prescriptions?

This repository keeps a database of known issues in Python open-source projects as well as suggestions for Python libraries and runtime environments they can run in. The database is used in Thoth to resolve high quality Python software stacks.

When using OpenShift or Kubernetes, one provides manifest files that state how the desired state of a cluster should look like. Prescriptions might be seen analogous to this - prescriptions provide a way to declaratively state how the desired dependency resolution should look like considering the prescribed rules. Then, it’s up to the reinforcement learning algorithm implemented in Thoth's adviser to find a solution in the form of a lockfile respecting the prescribed rules, requirements for the application and other inputs to the Thoth's cloud resolver.

See the linked presentation or YouTube video for more info.

How to write a prescription?

If you would like to write a prescription for resolver, check the following docs.

Need help with a prescription?

If you spotted an issue in Python dependencies or Python ecosystem, just let us know by openning an issue and we will help you with writing a prescription.


The prescription database is released under the terms of GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Copyright © 2021 AICoE Project Thoth; Red Hat Inc.

GitHub - thoth-station/prescriptions: ⚕️? Prescriptions to heal your applications and application dependencies ?⚕️
⚕️? Prescriptions to heal your applications and application dependencies ?⚕️ - GitHub - thoth-station/prescriptions: ⚕️? Prescriptions to heal your applications and application dependencies ?⚕️