APNet for Person Search

This is the code of Robust Partial Matching for Person Search in the Wild accepted in CVPR2020. The Align-to-Part Network(APNet) is proposed to alleviate the misalignment problem occurred in pedestrian detector, facilitating the downstream re-identification task. The code is based on maskrcnn-benchmark.

Quick start


  1. Please follow the offical installation INSTALL.md. This code does not support the mixed precision training, so feel free to skip the installation of apex.

NOTE: If you meet some problems during the installation, you may find a solution in issues of official maskrcnn-benchmark.

  1. Install APNet
git clone https://github.com/zhongyingji/APNet.git
cd APNet
rm -rf build/
python setup.py build develop

Dataset Preparation

Make sure you have downloaded the dataset of person search like PRW-v16.04.20.

  1. Since the training of APNet relies on the keypoint annotation, we provide the keypoint estimation file by AlphaPose in keypoint_pred/. Copy all the files into the root dir of dataset, like /path_to_prw_dataset/PRW-v16.04.20/:
cp keypoint_pred/* /path_to_prw_dataset/PRW-v16.04.20/
  1. Symlink the path to the dataset to datasets/ as follows:
ln -s /path_to_prw_dataset/PRW-v16.04.20/ maskrcnn_benchmark/datasets/PRW-v16.04.20


APNet composes of three modules, OIM, RSFE and BBA. To train the entire network, you can simply run:


which contains the training scripts of the three modules.

NOTE: Both RSFE and BBA are required to be intialised with the trained OIM. For more details, please check train.sh.

You can alter the scripts in train.sh in the following aspects:

  1. We train OIM on 2 GPUS with batchsize 4. If you encounter out-of-memory (OOM) error, reduce the batchsize by setting SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH to a smaller number.

  2. If you want to use 1 GPU, replace the command of OIM with single GPU training script:

python tools/train_net.py --config-file "configs/reid/prw_R_50_C4.yaml" SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 2 TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH 8 OUTPUT_DIR "models/prw_oim"


After each of the module has been trained, you can run exactly the same training script of that module to test the performance.

