
This item provides 2 metrics,one for monitoring mounted pvc usage percent named pvc_usage, and one for provides the mapping between pod and pvc named pvc_mapping.


Only used to monitor mounted pvc that provided by block storage provisioner. Such as longgorn, trident, rook-ceph, etc...

Support list

The following storage provisioners has been tested...

  1. longgorn
  2. trident
  3. rook-ceph
  4. aliyun flexvolume
  5. iomesh
  6. nutanix-csi


helm repo add pvc-exporter https://balihb.github.io/pvc-exporter/ helm install my-pvc-exporter pvc-exporter/pvc-exporter --version xxx


You can import the pvc_usage-dashboard to grafana to monitor pvc usage.


The format for legend is pod:pvc.

GitHub - balihb/pvc-exporter: Provides 2 metrics to monitoring mounted pvc usage.
Provides 2 metrics to monitoring mounted pvc usage. - GitHub - balihb/pvc-exporter: Provides 2 metrics to monitoring mounted pvc usage.