
Pull Hashes Decryption From Online Source Using Python.

Hashget takes hash as argument using ‘-ha’ flag and ‘-t’ as type of hash, and pulling the decryption from the given URL’s. Hashget uses as a hash puller instead of using wordlists for the given hash to find a match when does. Online service keeps hashes in some Rainbow-Table and when hash is givven, the results come more faster, and millions of hashes are over there, so i made this tool for my own convenience when using them at once.


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      Hashget v1.0

Hashget is very easy to use.using the ‘-t’ (type) argument with ‘-ha’ (hash itself) will give results.Soon i will add the option of using a wordlist of hashes so the code could read from a TXT file, and send the hashes inside with each request in a loop time. for now, the supported hashes are MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512.

  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -t T, -type T       Hash type, for example sha1, md5, sha256, etc.
  -ha HA, -hashit HA  Hash to decrypt
  -p P, -proxy P      Use proxy when sending request


Type: MD5 — > Hash: dc92364159da3086106f6a0c9ee68d06 — > ‘SecurePassword123’

2 as you can see from above, the hash seems to be public for now only in 1 site – MD5.GROMWEB. using the code would give you the results much more faster instead of uing the browser to look for the hashes decryption. Now, make a use of the ‘-p-‘ flag with “set”, would give you the option of sending request through proxy server only if you have anonsurf on you machine [ kali ]. making the code run again on same hash with ‘-p’, results in pulling the hash ( if it does in the public database ) :



For now, supported hash are MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512.Hope you will find this tool useful and a shortime maker. if you have any problems or might going some wrong request, please make an issue. make sure you install re req file before runing the code.


1/11 – for some having problems while run the code, and gets error like ‘requests.exceptions.InvalidURL: Failed to parse’, make sure python is updated or use the following commands. if you having another problems, please let me know.

  1. apt update -y
  2. pip3 install –upgrade urllib3


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