PySpark Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet will help you learn PySpark and write PySpark apps faster. Everything in here is fully functional PySpark code you can run or adapt to your programs.

These snippets are licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal License. That means you can freely copy and adapt these code snippets and you don’t need to give attribution or include any notices.

These snippets use DataFrames loaded from various data sources:

  • “Auto MPG Data Set” available from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
  • customer_spend.csv, a generated time series dataset.
  • date_examples.csv, a generated dataset with various date and time formats.

These snippets were tested against the Spark 3.1.2 API. This page was last updated 2021-09-03 14:20:31.

Make note of these helpful links:

If you find this guide helpful and want an easy way to run Spark, check out Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Flow, a fully-managed Spark service that lets you run Spark jobs at any scale with no administrative overhead. You can try Data Flow free.

Table of contents

Accessing Data Sources

Loading data stored in filesystems or databases, and saving it.

Load a DataFrame from CSV

# See
# for a list of supported options.
df ="csv").option("header", True).load("data/auto-mpg.csv")

# Code snippet result:
| mpg|cylinders|displacement|horsepower|weight|acceleration|modelyear|origin|   carname|
|18.0|        8|       307.0|     130.0| 3504.|        12.0|       70|     1|chevrol...|
|15.0|        8|       350.0|     165.0| 3693.|        11.5|       70|     1|buick s...|
|18.0|        8|       318.0|     150.0| 3436.|        11.0|       70|     1|plymout...|
|16.0|        8|       304.0|     150.0| 3433.|        12.0|       70|     1|amc reb...|
|17.0|        8|       302.0|     140.0| 3449.|        10.5|       70|     1|ford to...|
|15.0|        8|       429.0|     198.0| 4341.|        10.0|       70|     1|ford ga...|
|14.0|        8|       454.0|     220.0| 4354.|         9.0|       70|     1|chevrol...|
|14.0|        8|       440.0|     215.0| 4312.|         8.5|       70|     1|plymout...|
|14.0|        8|       455.0|     225.0| 4425.|        10.0|       70|     1|pontiac...|
|15.0|        8|       390.0|     190.0| 3850.|         8.5|       70|     1|amc amb...|
only showing top 10 rows

Load a DataFrame from a Tab Separated Value (TSV) file

# See
# for a list of supported options.
df = ("csv")
    .option("header", True)
    .option("sep", "\t")

# Code snippet result:
| mpg|cylinders|displacement|horsepower|weight|acceleration|modelyear|origin|   carname|
|18.0|        8|       307.0|     130.0| 3504.|        12.0|       70|     1|chevrol...|
|15.0|        8|       350.0|     165.0| 3693.|        11.5|       70|     1|buick s...|
|18.0|        8|       318.0|     150.0| 3436.|        11.0|       70|     1|plymout...|
|16.0|        8|       304.0|     150.0| 3433.|        12.0|       70|     1|amc reb...|
|17.0|        8|       302.0|     140.0| 3449.|        10.5|       70|     1|ford to...|
|15.0|        8|       429.0|     198.0| 4341.|        10.0|       70|     1|ford ga...|
|14.0|        8|       454.0|     220.0| 4354.|         9.0|       70|     1|chevrol...|
|14.0|        8|       440.0|     215.0| 4312.|         8.5|       70|     1|plymout...|
|14.0|        8|       455.0|     225.0| 4425.|        10.0|       70|     1|pontiac...|
|15.0|        8|       390.0|     190.0| 3850.|         8.5|       70|     1|amc amb...|
only showing top 10 rows

Save a DataFrame in CSV format

# See
# for a list of supported options.

Load a DataFrame from Parquet

df = ("parquet").load("data/auto-mpg.parquet")

# Code snippet result:
| mpg|cylinders|displacement|horsepower|weight|acceleration|modelyear|origin|   carname|
|18.0|        8|       307.0|     130.0| 3504.|        12.0|       70|     1|chevrol...|
|15.0|        8|       350.0|     165.0| 3693.|        11.5|       70|     1|buick s...|
|18.0|        8|       318.0|     150.0| 3436.|        11.0|       70|     1|plymout...|
|16.0|        8|       304.0|     150.0| 3433.|        12.0|       70|     1|amc reb...|
|17.0|        8|       302.0|     140.0| 3449.|        10.5|       70|     1|ford to...|
|15.0|        8|       429.0|     198.0| 4341.|        10.0|       70|     1|ford ga...|
|14.0|        8|       454.0|     220.0| 4354.|         9.0|       70|     1|chevrol...|
|14.0|        8|       440.0|     215.0| 4312.|         8.5|       70|     1|plymout...|
|14.0|        8|       455.0|     225.0| 4425.|        10.0|       70|     1|pontiac...|
|15.0|        8|       390.0|     190.0| 3850.|         8.5|       70|     1|amc amb...|
only showing top 10 rows

Save a DataFrame in Parquet format


Load a DataFrame from JSON Lines (jsonl) Formatted Data

# JSON Lines / jsonl format uses one JSON document per line.
# If you have data with mostly regular structure this is better than nesting it in an array.
# See
df ="data/weblog.jsonl")

# Code snippet result:
|    client|   country| session| timestamp|       uri|  user|
|{false,...|Bangladesh|55fa8213| 869196249|http://...|dde312|
|{true, ...|      Niue|2fcd4a83|1031238717|http://...|9d00b9|
|{true, ...|    Rwanda|013b996e| 628683372|http://...|1339d4|
|{false,...|   Austria|07e8a71a|1043628668|https:/...|966312|
|{false,...|    Belize|b23d05d8| 192738669|http://...|2af1e1|
|{false,...|Lao Peo...|d83dfbae|1066490444|http://...|844395|
|{false,...|French ...|e77dfaa2|1350920869|https:/...|  null|
|{false,...|Turks a...|56664269| 280986223|http://...|  null|
|{false,...|  Ethiopia|628d6059| 881914195|https:/...|8ab45a|
|{false,...|Saint K...|85f9120c|1065114708|https:/...|  null|
only showing top 10 rows

Save a DataFrame into a Hive catalog table


Load a Hive catalog table into a DataFrame

# Load the table previously saved.
df = spark.table("autompg")

# Code snippet result:
| mpg|cylinders|displacement|horsepower|weight|acceleration|modelyear|origin|   carname|
|18.0|        8|       307.0|     130.0| 3504.|        12.0|       70|     1|chevrol...|
|15.0|        8|       350.0|     165.0| 3693.|        11.5|       70|     1|buick s...|
|18.0|        8|       318.0|     150.0| 3436.|        11.0|       70|     1|plymout...|
|16.0|        8|       304.0|     150.0| 3433.|        12.0|       70|     1|amc reb...|
|17.0|        8|       302.0|     140.0| 3449.|        10.5|       70|     1|ford to...|
|15.0|        8|       429.0|     198.0| 4341.|        10.0|       70|     1|ford ga...|
|14.0|        8|       454.0|     220.0| 4354.|         9.0|       70|     1|chevrol...|
|14.0|        8|       440.0|     215.0| 4312.|         8.5|       70|     1|plymout...|
|14.0|        8|       455.0|     225.0| 4425.|        10.0|       70|     1|pontiac...|
|15.0|        8|       390.0|     190.0| 3850.|         8.5|       70|     1|amc amb...|
only showing top 10 rows

Load a CSV file from Amazon S3

import configparser

config = configparser.ConfigParser()"~/.aws/credentials"))
access_key = config.get("default", "aws_access_key_id")
secret_key = config.get("default", "aws_secret_access_key")

# Requires compatible hadoop-aws and aws-java-sdk-bundle JARs.
spark.conf.set("", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.SimpleAWSCredentialsProvider")
spark.conf.set("fs.s3a.access.key", access_key)
spark.conf.set("fs.s3a.secret.key", secret_key)

df ="csv").option("header", True).load("s3a://cheatsheet111/auto-mpg.csv")

Load a CSV file from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage

<div class="highlight highlight-source-python position-relative" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="import oci

oci_config = oci.config.from_file()
conf = spark.sparkContext.getConf()
conf.set(" fs.oci.client.auth.tenantid", oci_config["tenancy"]) conf.set("fs.oci.client.auth.userid", oci_config["user"]) conf.set("fs.oci.client.auth.fingerprint", oci_config["fingerprint"]) conf.set("fs.oci.client.auth.pemfilepath", oci_config["key_file"]) conf.set( "fs.oci.client.hostname", "https: objectstorage.{0}".format(oci_config["region"]), ) path="oci://@<your_namespace/” df=”"csv").option("header",” true).load(path) “>

import oci

oci_config = oci.config.from_file()
conf = spark.sparkContext.getConf()
conf.set("fs.oci.client.auth.tenantId", oci_config["tenancy"])
conf.set("fs.oci.client.auth.userId", oci_config["user"])
conf.set("fs.oci.client.auth.fingerprint", oci_config["fingerprint"])
conf.set("fs.oci.client.auth.pemfilepath", oci_config["key_file"])
PATH = "oci://
df ="csv").option("header", True).load(PATH)