TerminusDB Client Python

Python version of the TerminusDB client - for TerminusDB API and WOQLpy




  • TerminusDB Client can be downloaded form PyPI using pip:
    python -m pip install terminusdb-client

This only includes the core Python Client (WOQLClient) and WOQLQuery.

If you want to use woqlDataframe:

python -m pip install terminusdb-client[dataframe]

if you are installing form zsh you have to quote the argument like this:

python -m pip install 'terminusdb-client[dataframe]'

  • Install from source:

python -m pip install git+https://github.com/terminusdb/terminusdb-client-python.git


>>> from terminusdb_client import WOQLQuery, WOQLClient
>>> client = WOQLClient(server_url = "")
>>> client.connect(key="root", account="admin", user="admin")
>>> client.create_database("university", accountid="admin", label="University Graph", description="graph connect
{'@type': 'api:DbCreateResponse', 'api:status': 'api:success'}

>>> client.get_database("university", account="admin")
{'label': 'University Graph', 'comment': 'graph connecting students with their courses in the university', 'id':
 'university', 'organization': 'admin'}
>>> WOQLQuery().doctype("scm:student").property("scm:name", "xsd:string").execute(client, "student schema created.")
{'@type': 'api:WoqlResponse', 'api:status': 'api:success', 'api:variable_names': [], 'bindings': [{}], 'deletes'
: 0, 'inserts': 5, 'transaction_retry_count': 0}

>>> WOQLQuery().insert("stu001", "scm:student").property("scm:name", "Alice").execute(client, "Adding Alice.")
{'@type': 'api:WoqlResponse', 'api:status': 'api:success', 'api:variable_names': [], 'bindings': [{}], 'deletes': 0, 'inserts': 2, 'transaction_retry_count': 0}
>>> WOQLQuery().insert("stu002", "scm:student").property("scm:name", "Bob").execute(client, "Adding Bob.")
{'@type': 'api:WoqlResponse', 'api:status': 'api:success', 'api:variable_names': [], 'bindings': [{}], 'deletes': 0, 'inserts': 2, 'transaction_retry_count': 0}
>>> client.query(WOQLQuery().star())
{'@type': 'api:WoqlResponse', 'api:status': 'api:success', 'api:variable_names': ['Subject', 'Predicate', 'Object'], 'bindings': [{'Object': 'terminusdb:///schema#student', 'Predicate': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type', 'Subject': 'terminusdb:///data/stu001'}, {'Object': {'@type': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string', '@value': 'Alice'}, 'Predicate': 'terminusdb:///schema#name', 'Subject': 'terminusdb:///data/stu001'}, {'Object': 'terminusdb:///schema#student', 'Predicate': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type', 'Subject': 'terminusdb:///data/stu002'}, {'Object': {'@type': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string', '@value': 'Bob'}, 'Predicate': 'terminusdb:///schema#name', 'Subject': 'terminusdb:///data/stu002'}], 'deletes': 0, 'inserts': 0, 'transaction_retry_count': 0}

Please check the full Documentation for more information.


There is a list of examples that uses the Python client in our tutorial repo. As a start, we would recommend having a look at create TerminusDB graph with Python client using Jupyter notebook


  1. Clone this repository
    git clone https://github.com/terminusdb/terminusdb-client-python.git

  2. Install all development dependencies using pipenv

$ make init
  1. (a) To run test files only
$ pytest terminusdb_client/tests
  1. (b) To run full test
$ tox -e test


Visit our TerminusDB Documentation for the full explanation of using TerminusDB.

Documentation specifically on the latest version of the Python Client can be found here.

Generating Documentation Locally using Sphinx

  1. Clone this repository
    git clone https://github.com/terminusdb/terminusdb-client-python.git

  2. Install all development dependencies

$ make init
  1. Change directory to docs
$ cd docs/
  1. Build with Sphinx
$ make html

The output files are under docs/build/html, open index.html in your browser to inspect.

