AWS Lambda Function

This repository contains python codes that allow notification of changes made to some services using the AWS Lambda Function.

Parts of this repository

You need to add a trigger for that. You can write pattern like this.

  "detail": {
    "eventName": ["TerminateInstances", "CreateInstanceSnapshot", "StartInstances", "StopInstances", "RunInstances", "CreateInstancesFromSnapshot", "DeleteInstanceSnaphsot", "RebootInstances", "CreateInstances"],
    "eventSource": [""]
  "detail-type": ["AWS API Call via CloudTrail"],
  "source": ["aws.ec2"]

You need to add a trigger for that. You can write pattern like this.

  "detail": {
    "eventName": ["AddUserToGroup", "CreateLoginProfile", "DeleteUser", "CreateUser", "DeleteGroupPolicy", "DeleteRolePolicy", "DeleteUserPolicy", "PutGroupPolicy", "PutRolePolicy", "PutUserPolicy", "CreatePolicy", "DeletePolicy", "CreatePolicyVersion", "DeletePolicyVersion", "AttachRolePolicy", "DetachRolePolicy", "AttachUserPolicy", "DetachUserPolicy", "AttachGroupPolicy", "DetachGroupPolicy", "AddRoleToInstanceProfile", "AddUserToGroup", "CreateAccessKey", "CreateInstanceProfile", "CreateRole", "DeleteAccessKey", "DeleteLoginProfile", "DeleteRole"],
    "eventSource": [""]
  "detail-type": ["AWS API Call via CloudTrail"],
  "source": ["aws.iam"]


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