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The metal Iridium is used to refine and enhance metal alloys. Similarly, this package provides an enhanced coating around the Invenio RDM APIs and is a central piece of the Ardiem platform.

It provides:

  • a lower-level Python API wrapping the public Invenio RDM backend APIs

  • a higher-level object-oriented convenience API (TODO)

  • a JSON Schema based concept of “dataset profiles” for Invenio records (TODO)

  • transparent support for storage and retrieval of additional validated metadata (TODO)


This project uses Poetry for dependency management.

Clone this repository and run poetry install.

Run pre-commit install after cloning to enable pre-commit to enforce the required linting hooks.

Run pytest before merging your changes to make sure you did not break anything.

To generate documentation, run pdoc --html -o docs python_app_template.

To check coverage, use pytest --cov.


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This project was developed at the Institute for Materials Data Science and Informatics (IAS-9) of the Jülich Research Center and funded by the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC), an incubator-platform of the Helmholtz Association within the framework of the Information and Data Science strategic initiative.


GitHub - Materials-Data-Science-and-Informatics/iridium: Python library wrapping and enhancing the Invenio RDM REST API.
Python library wrapping and enhancing the Invenio RDM REST API. - GitHub - Materials-Data-Science-and-Informatics/iridium: Python library wrapping and enhancing the Invenio RDM REST API.