OpenCage Geocoding Module for Python

A Python module to access the OpenCage Geocoder.


Supports Python 3.6 or newer. Use the older opencage 1.x releases if you need Python 2.7 support.

Install the module:

pip install opencage

Load the module:

from opencage.geocoder import OpenCageGeocode

Create an instance of the geocoder module, passing a valid OpenCage Data Geocoder API key
as a parameter to the geocoder modules's constructor:

key = 'your-api-key-here'
geocoder = OpenCageGeocode(key)

Pass a string containing the query or address to be geocoded to the modules's geocode method:

query = "82 Clerkenwell Road, London"
result = geocoder.geocode(query)

You can add additional parameters:

result = geocoder.geocode('London', no_annotations=1, language='es')

You can use the proximity parameter to provide the geocoder with a hint:

result = geocoder.geocode('London', proximity='42.828576, -81.406643')
# u'London, ON N6A 3M8, Canada'

Reverse geocoding

Turn a lat/long into an address with the reverse_geocode method:

results = geocoder.reverse_geocode(51.51024, -0.10303)


You can reuse your HTTP connection for multiple requests by
using a with block. This can help performance when making
a lot of requests:

queries = ['82 Clerkenwell Road, London', ...]
with OpenCageGeocode(key) as geocoder:
    # Queries reuse the same HTTP connection
    results = [geocoder.geocode(query) for query in queries]

Asycronous requests

You can run requests in parallel with the geocode_async and reverse_geocode_async
method which have the same parameters and response as their synronous counterparts.
You will need at least Python 3.7 and the asyncio and aiohttp packages installed.

async with OpenCageGeocode(key) as geocoder:
    results = await geocoder.geocode_async(address)

For a more complete example and links to futher tutorials on asycronous IO see in the examples directory.


If anything goes wrong, then an exception will be raised:

  • InvalidInputError for non-unicode query strings
  • UnknownError if there's some problem with the API (bad results, 500 status code, etc)
  • RateLimitExceededError if you go past your rate limit
