Organize and manage messy directories ?

To run the script

the script runs with a json file. Inside the json file you can specify the configurations to organize the directory.

# config.json

"directory" : 
		"path": ["path of directory to organize ex: C:\\Users\\tmpts21\\Desktop"]

"automate" : [ 
			"type" : "IMAGES" ,  
			"organize" : "True" ,    
			"file_ext" :".jpeg .jpg .gif .png .PNG .JPG "      
			"type" : "DOCS" , 
			"organize" : "True" ,   
			"file_ext" : ".docx .pdf .doc"    
			"type" : "VIDEOS" ,  
			"organize" : "True" ,  
			"file_ext" : ".wmv .mov .mp4 .mpg .mpeg .mkv" 

You can add more type of files you want by editing this config file. Lets say i also want music files to be cleaned and reorganized into another folder.

I’ll just add this block of key value pairs inside the “automate” key in the json config file

		"type" : "music" ,  
		"organize" : "True" ,  
		"file_ext" : ".mp3 .flac .wav " 

You can also organize multiple directories at once

"directory" : [ 
		"path": ["C:\\Users\\tmpts21\\Desktop" , "C:\\Users\\tmpts21\\Downloads" ]

After running the script you will notice new folders containing all the files organized.


Ex : "C:\\Users\\tmpts21\\Desktop\\IMAGES" | "C:\\Users\\tmpts21\\Desktop\\DOCS"


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