Hanko Authentication SDK for Python

This package is maintained by Hanko.


This SDK provides an API client that lets you communicate with the
Hanko Authentication API
to easily integrate FIDO®-based authentication into your web application written in




pip install hanko_sdk

Building a wheel

py -m build
pip install dist/hanko_sdk-X.X.X-py3-none-any.whl



In order to utilize the client provided by the SDK you need an API URL as well as API credentials in the form of an
API key ID and an API secret. View our getting started guide in the official
documentation on how to obtain these.

The minimum supported Python version is 3.7.

Create a new Hanko API Client

Once you have set up your account, create a HankoHttpClientConfig with the API URL, the API Key Id and the API secret and
use it to construct a HankoHttpClient.

hanko_config = HankoHttpClientConfig("<YOUR_BASEURL>", "<YOUR_API_SECRET>", "<YOUR_API_KEY>")
hanko_client = HankoHttpClient(hanko_config)

Register a WebAuthn credential

Registration of a WebAuthn credential involves retrieving credential creation options from the Hanko API
(initialization), passing these options to the browser’s Web Authentication API and lastly sending the WebAuthn response
back to the Hanko API for validation (finalization).

For a more complete example of the authentication process, see the
implementation guide in the Hanko documentation.

Registration initialization:

Using defaults

# To create the user object you'll need a userId, a username, and optionally, a
# displayName. The username usually comes either from a form a user provides when
# registering for the first time, or from your existing session
# store or database, as well as a related userId, which may needs to be generated
# if it is a new user.

user_id = "<YOUR_USER_ID>"
username = "<YOUR_USERNAME>"
display_name = "<YOUR_DISPLAY_NAME>"

request = RegistrationInitializationRequest(

response = hanko_client.initialize_registration(request)
Modifying registration options

You can modify the default credential creation options for registration as follows:

user_id = "<YOUR_USER_ID>"
username = "<YOUR_USERNAME>"
display_name = "<YOUR_DISPLAY_NAME>"

request = RegistrationInitializationRequest(

response = hanko_client.initialize_registration(request)

Pass Hanko API response to the browser’s Web Authentication API

Initialization with the Hanko API returns a response that represent
that must be provided to the browser’s WebAuthn Authentication API to create a credential. The WebAuthn Authentication API
requires data that looks like JSON but contains binary data, represented as ArrayBuffers, that needs to be encoded.
So we can’t pass the Hanko API registrationInitializationResponse directly as PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions, but you can
use the Hanko JavaScript WebAuthn Library that wraps the WebAuthn Authentication API
and encodes / decodes the data and allows you to easily pass Hanko API responses to the WebAuthn Authentication API
and vice versa.

You can provide the registrationInitializationResponse obtained from the hanko_client.initialize_registration(request) directly to the create function of the
Hanko JavaScript WebAuthn Library for creating a credential.

For a more complete
example of the registration process, see the implementation guide
in the Hanko documentation.

Registration finalization

After you have executed the create() function mentioned before and the user has completed the process, you will receive back a response from the browser’s WebAuthn API.

Deserialize and pass the Web Authentication API response as returned from the Hanko WebAuthn Library’s create function to
the finalize_registration client method.

webauthn_response = "{\"id\": \"ATIihVy...\", ...}";
from hanko_sdk import json_serializer

request = json_serializer.deserialize_string(webauthn_response, RegistrationFinalizationRequest)
response = hanko_client.finalize_registration(request)

Authenticate with a registered WebAuthn credential

For a more complete example of the authentication process, see the
implementation guide in the Hanko documentation.

Authentication initialization

Using defaults

user_id = "e3be22a7-13cf-4235-a09c-380dfd44ac04"

request = AuthenticationInitializationRequest(

response = hanko_client.initialize_authentication(request)
Modifying authentication options

You can modify the default credential request options for authentication as follows:

user_id = "e3be22a7-13cf-4235-a09c-380dfd44ac04"

request = AuthenticationInitializationRequest(

response = hanko_client.initialize_authentication(request)

Pass Hanko API response to Web Authentication API

You can provide the response to the get() function of the
Hanko WebAuthn Library for authenticating with a credential. For a more
complete example of the authentication process, see the implementation guide
in the Hanko documentation.

Authentication finalization

Deserialize and pass the Web Authentication API response as returned from the Hanko WebAutn Library’s get() function to the
finalize_authentication client method.

webauthn_response = "{\"id\": \"DaNOpBx...\", ...}";

from hanko_sdk import json_serializer

request = json_serializer.deserialize_string(webauthn_response, AuthenticationFinalizationRequest)
response = hankoClient.finalize_authentication(request)

Making transactions

A transaction is technically the equivalent of an authentication, with the difference being that when initializing
a transaction, a transaction_text can be included, which becomes part of the authentication challenge.

Transaction initialization

Using defaults

user_id = "e3be22a7-13cf-4235-a09c-380dfd44ac04"

request = TransactionInitializationRequest(
    "Pay $5 to Bob?"

response = hanko_client.initialize_transaction(request)

Pass Hanko API response to Web Authentication API

You can provide the response to the get() function of the
Hanko WebAuthn Library for authenticating with a credential. For a more
complete example of the authentication process, see the implementation guide
in the Hanko documentation.

Transaction finalization

Deserialize and pass the Web Authentication API response as returned from the Hanko WebAutn Library’s get() function to the
finalize_transaction client method.

webauthn_response = "{\"id\": \"fSmpQnC...\", ...}";

from hanko_sdk import json_serializer

request = json_serializer.deserialize_string(webauthn_response, TransactionFinalizationRequest)
response = hanko_client.finalize_transaction(request)

Credential management

credential_id = "AQohBypyLBrx8R_UO0cWQuu7hhRGv7bPRRGtbQLrjl..."

# Get all details of the specified credential.
credential = hanko_client.get_credential(credential_id)

# Update the name of a credential.
update_request = CredentialUpdateRequest("MySecurityKey")
updated_credential = hanko_client.update_credential(credential_id, update_request)

# Delete the specified credential.

# Search for credentials filtering by userId and paginating results.
query = CredentialQuery(
    "65a3eba6-22cb-4c35-9881-b21fac6acfd0", # userId
    15, # page size
    1 # page

credentials = hanko_client.list_credentials(query)

Serializing and deserializing Hanko payloads and response

As the HankoHttpClient works with objects, you may need to serialize or deserialize Hanko payloads and responses. For that you can use the json_serializer module as follows:

# Import the serializer module
from hanko_sdk import json_serializer

# Serialize a TransactionInitializationResponse
transaction_initialization_response = TransactionInitializationResponse()
# ... code for generating the transaction initialization response

transaction_initialization_response_json = hanko_serializer.serialize(transaction_initialization_response)
# ... process the transaction initialization response

# Deserialize a TransactionFinalizationRequest
webauthn_response = "{\"id\": \"fSmpQnC...\", ...}";

transaction_finalization_request = json_serializer.deserialize_string(webauthn_response, TransactionFinalizationRequest)
finalization_response = hanko_client.finalize_transaction(transaction_finalization_request)

Exception handling

    user_id = "<YOUR_USER_ID>"
    username = "<YOUR_USERNAME>"
    display_name = "<YOUR_DISPLAY_NAME>"

    request = RegistrationInitializationRequest(

    response hanko_client.initialize_registration(request)
except HankoApiException as hanko_api_exception:

Enable debug logging

The HankoHttpClient accepts a logging.Logger instance as an optional constructor parameter, which if not none, will be used for debug logging.


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