
Read vehicle license plates with https://platerecognizer.com/ which offers free processing of 2500 images per month. You will need to create an account and get your API token.

This integration adds an image processing entity where the state of the entity is the number of license plates found in a processed image. Information about the vehicle which has the license plate is provided in the entity attributes, and includes the license plate number, region/country, vehicle type, and confidence (in a scale 0 to 1) in this prediction. For each vehicle an platerecognizer.vehicle_detected event is fired, containing the same information just listed. Additionally, statistics about your account usage are given in the Statistics attribute, including the number of calls_remaining out of your 2500 monthly available.

Note this integration does NOT automatically process images, it is necessary to call the image_processing.scan service to trigger processing.

Home Assistant setup

Place the custom_components folder in your configuration directory (or add its contents to an existing custom_components folder). Then configure as below:

  - platform: platerecognizer
    api_token: your_token
      - gb
      - ie
    save_file_folder: /config/images/platerecognizer/
    save_timestamped_file: True
    always_save_latest_file: True
      - entity_id: camera.yours

Configuration variables:

  • api_key: Your api key.
  • regions: (Optional) A list of regions/countries to filter by. Note this may return fewer, but more specific predictions.
  • save_file_folder: (Optional) The folder to save processed images to. Note that folder path should be added to whitelist_external_dirs
  • save_timestamped_file: (Optional, default False, requires save_file_folder to be configured) Save the processed image with the time of detection in the filename.
  • always_save_latest_file: (Optional, default False, requires save_file_folder to be configured) Always save the last processed image, no matter there were detections or not.
  • source: Must be a camera.

Video of usage

Checkout this excellent video of usage from Everything Smart Home

