FastAPI Users

FastAPI Users

Ready-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI

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Add quickly a registration and authentication system to your FastAPI project. FastAPI Users is designed to be as customizable and adaptable as possible.


  • Extensible base user model

  • Ready-to-use register, login, reset password and verify e-mail routes

  • Ready-to-use OAuth2 flow

  • Dependency callables to inject current user in route

  • Customizable database backend

  • Multiple customizable authentication backends

    • JWT authentication backend included
    • Cookie authentication backend included
  • Full OpenAPI schema support, even with several authentication backends

Contributors and sponsors


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

François Voron


Paolo Dina



Dmytro Ohorodnik


Matthew D. Scholefield





Satwik Kansal


Edd Salkield












Oskar Gmerek


Martin Collado



Eric Lopes



Beau Breon


Niyas Mohammed





Marius Mézerette



Nickolas Grigoriadis


Open Data Coder


Mohammed Alshehri


Tyler Renelle




Robert Bracco


Augusto Herrmann


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Setup environement

You should have Pipenv installed. Then, you can install the dependencies with:

pipenv install --dev

After that, activate the virtual environment:

pipenv shell

Run unit tests

You can run all the tests with:

make test

The command will start a MongoDB container for the related unit tests. So you should have Docker installed.

Alternatively, you can run pytest yourself. The MongoDB unit tests will be skipped if no server is available on your local machine:


There are quite a few unit tests, so you might run into ulimit issues where there are too many open file descriptors. You may be able to set a new, higher limit temporarily with:

ulimit -n 2048

Format the code

Execute the following command to apply isort and black formatting:

make format


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
