Emotion recognizer

Table of contents

  1. Clone project
  2. Dataset
  3. Install dependencies
  4. Main program
  5. Demo

1. Clone project

git clone https://github.com/GDSC2021/emotion-recognizer 

2. Dataset

3. Install dependencies

a. Download and install Anaconda:
b. Create environment

conda init
conda create -n emotion-detect python=3.8 -y
conda activate emotion-detect
c. Install prerequisites
  • Open Terminal (macOS and Linux) or Anaconda Prompt (Windows)
  • Go to your cloned directory
  • Run:
    • For Windows

      pip install matplotlib pandas pillow autopep8 sklearn tensorflow keras opencv-python seaborn
    • For macOS

      chmod +x dependencies/mac/dependencies.sh && ./dependencies/mac/dependencies.sh
    • For Linux

      chmod +x dependencies/linux/linux.sh && ./dependencies/linux/linux.sh

4. Run main program

  • Run program:

python src/main.py  #For Windows
python3 src/main.py #For macOS and Linux
  • To abort program, press the combination of Ctrl + C

5. Demo

Screen Shot 2021-09-19 at 11 04 25

