This is an interactive tool for refactoring Python code. The mission is to replace print statements with calls to logging instead.

print_to_logging features:

  • it will ask you to accept or modify any proposed change
  • support for multiline strings and multiline print statements
  • preservation of comments
  • automatic f-string generation
  • preservation of custom print separators
  • interactive choice of logging level (info, warning, error, etc.)
  • showing a diff for before and after change

To try it out, clone the repo:

git clone && cd print_to_logging

Then run the program on the test file:

python -f

or on a directory of python files:

python -d ~/code/my-python-project

See python --help:

usage: [-h] (-f FILE | -d DIRECTORY | -m MODULE) [-l {info,warning,error,critical,exception}] [--accept_all] [--context_lines CONTEXT_LINES]

Refactoring tool to replace print with logging

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        Find all .py paths in the directory and its subdirectories
  -m MODULE, --module MODULE
                        Find all .py paths in the directory of the module and its subdirectories
  -l {info,warning,error,critical,exception}, --level {info,warning,error,critical,exception}
                        Default logging level (info).
  --accept_all          Auto accept all changes.
  --context_lines CONTEXT_LINES
                        Number of lines before and after change in diff

Requires Python version 3.8 or greater to run.
