
A simple flask application to scrape gogoanime website. Used for demo and learning purposes only.

How to use the API

The base api url is https://gogoanime-api-flask.vercel.app/

  1. To search for an anime, call the endpoint /search/{anime_name} for example, https://gogoanime-api-flask.vercel.app/search/Naruto

    Note that you get a unique anime_id for each anime, which you use to retrieve more details about the anime.

  2. To fetch a detail of an anime, call the endpoint /anime/{anime_id} for example, https://gogoanime-api-flask.vercel.app/api/anime/hunter-x-hunter-2011-dub

  3. To fetch watchable cdn links, call the endpoint /watch/{anime_id}/{episode_number} for example, https://gogoanime-api-flask.vercel.app/api/watch/hunter-x-hunter-2011-dub/2

  4. To fetch anime list belonging to a certain genre, use the endpoint /genre/{genre_name}/{page_number} for example, https://gogoanime-api-flask.vercel.app/api/genre/action/2 (for now you must define the page_number even if you are asking for the first page :()

That’s it.


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