
ROS2 wrapper package of VOICEROID2

Windows Only


  1. Install VOICEROID2 (x64).
  2. Install Python 3.4 (x64) or later.
  3. Install ROS2 foxy or later.
  4. pip install simpleaudio
  5. pip install git+
  6. Clone this repository.
  7. Build this repository.
    colcon build --merge-install --packages-select voiceroid2


  1. Source this package.
  2. Run the publisher node.
    ros2 run voiceroid2 talker
  3. There are several parameters.
    • language : string
      Name of the language library.
      If language is not specified, default value will be used.
    • voice : string
      Name of the voice library.
      If voice is not specified, first found one will be used.
    • subscribe_topic_name : string
      Topic name that the talker node subscribes.
      The message type of the topic is std_msgs/String.
      Default : text
    • publish_topic_name : string
      Topic name that the talker node publishes speech data.
      The message type of the topic is std_msgs/ByteMultiArray.
      If publish_topic_name is not specified, the speech data will be played by local computer which the talker node runs on.
    • phrase_dictionary : string
      Path of the phrase dictionary.
      Default : <Documents folder>/VOICEROID2/フレーズ辞書/user.pdic
    • word_dictionary : string
      Path of the word dictionary.
      Default : <Documents folder>/VOICEROID2/単語辞書/user.wdic
    • symbol_dictionary : string
      Path of the symbol dictionary.
      Default : <Documents folder>/VOICEROID2/記号ポーズ辞書/user.sdic
    • play_mode : string
      Behavior of playing multiple sound.

      • stop : Stop previous sound.
      • wait : Wait for finishing previous sound.
      • overlap : Play simultaneously.


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